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Victory on earth is within grasping reach of every Christian. These simple truths on Godly living will help you draw closer to God and live in the victory that Jesus won for you.This book shares simple truths on Godly living. Living a Godly life in today's context may be quite difficult and sometimes it is easy to get discouraged and feel that it is not something that can be achieved. However, the truth is that a Christian can experience victory, peace and contentment while on earth - it is not something reserved for the super-holy, super-righteous and all-knowing. Every normal and average Christian is within grasping reach of victory. The author of this book came to know Jesus at a time when her life was on a downward spiral. God gently taught her how to rise above all that was pulling her life in to darkness. She wants to share the simple truths that God taught her on her journey with Him and hopes that what God taught her will help others to have a walking, talking relationship with God which is the path to victory on earth.

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