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It is 1840 when a clever little boy named Claude Devereux announces that he wants to be a soldier. But his father will have none of it. It seems Claude is destined for a future not of his own wishes—that is, until destiny takes over. Many years later, Claude has worked his way up in the ranks to Brigadier General of the Union forces. But Claude is harboring a secret—he is a Confederate spy. With the code name Hannibal, he nurtures a long-standing reputation for being smart, but also a bit mad. After he becomes friends with Abraham Lincoln, he burrows his way into the heart of the Lincoln administration and slowly gains the president’s confidence. Despite being pursued by counterintelligence agents and suspected of disloyalty, Hannibal manages to pass valuable information on to Richmond and the Confederacy. But everything is about to change when Hannibal realizes he has lost the trust of his comrades and that there is one man who will do anything to bring him down.