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When the very bored and very handsome Viscount Trowbridge agrees to escort Miss Sophie Edwards to her first ball, his life is upended. New to the ton and not terribly interested in it, Sophie is unable to dance because of a childhood injury. But our heroine has a secret weapon. During the years most young ladies would have been on the Town, Sophie has been mastering the violin. The viscount, aka Gorgeous Frank, is smitten the first time he hears her perform. Recognizing in Sophie a person more complex and desirable than any ton beauty, he launches a courtship calculated to win her in ways as original as she is. Sophie is nearly bowled over, but a native disinclination to trust proves a serious challenge to Frank. His former mistress interferes, scheming to ruin his new plans, and at other times, Frank is his own worst enemy. As he wades through a sea of misunderstandings, will his “angel” have the insight to believe that he is a changed man? Will Sophie lower the barriers of a lifetime to trust him and allow herself to fall in love?