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Locked in a perpetual and bloody stalemate, Earth’s superpowers battle each other century after century. Giant motherships prowl the skies, destroying everything on the surface of the planet, forcing humanity deep into underground cities. Jordi Roberts thought he’d found his escape from living underground by becoming an American Conference fighter pilot. But ever since a near-fatal crash, he suffers from nightmares, and the military won’t restore his flight status. Jordi spends his time drinking and seething about those he believes responsible for his plane’s malfunction—the sinister cyberterrorist organization known as Celeste. When the Conference is attacked and crippled by its closest ally, Jordi knows that the betrayal runs deeper than it appears. He suspects Celeste is involved. His investigations lead him to the heart of the American leadership and to a horrifying truth worse than anything he’s imagined.Part 1 of a 5-part serial. Each part is around sixty pages long.

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