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Getting lucky...means getting more than she bargained for...I've been talking myself out of falling for Matt Carter for a long time. Easier said than done. He's tall and fit, with sexily mussed red hair and a mischievous glint in his eyes that never goes away. He's been my rock for a decade—there when I needed him for support or just a good laugh. In college, he used to promise that everything would work out all right...and I always believed him. So, when I called him up two weeks ago about my latest fertility issues, first he told a joke, then he promised to get me through it. Which is why I accepted his offer to be my sperm donor.When I meet him to discuss IVF at his San Francisco mansion—one of the perks of selling groundbreaking software in his midtwenties—it's hard to remind myself I'm strictly in the friend zone. And when he asks me what I want from him, I'm not sure why I tell the truth. "What I want is you."What was supposed...