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This book used to be called "Assisting Aimee." If you purchased it under that title there is no need to re-purchase as it is not significantly changed. I have marked this as book 10 in the Delta Force Heroes series, but you can read it at any time during the series. Book 2, book 6, book 10, it doesn't matter. (I just didn't want to renumber the entire series) Aimee O'Brien has harbored a not-so-little crush on her school's new first-grade teacher since the beginning of the year. Tall, muscled, with long hair and a beard, and a penchant for wearing silly ties to amuse his students...the man is too gorgeous for words. As the PE teacher, Aimee's wardrobe consists of casual gym clothing not likely to catch anyone's eye. So no one is more surprised than her when Tony makes his interest clear. Tony Santoro's time in the military directly influenced his new choice of career—and his choice in women. He's looking for someone of substance, and Aimee has far...