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THE SECOND BOOK IN THE GRAEME STONE SAGA:Two centuries have passed since Graeme Stone first landed in this world with no memory of who he was or how he'd come to be here.The darkness of his past has caught up with Stone and turned him from the path of the Shaman as taught to him by Master Wrynn.Stone is now Invictus; the Barbarian King, an immortal ruler with nigh-limitless power. His every whim is a command. Every pleasure his for the taking.With the seductive Seeress Ceceline, the snarling Huntmaster Kurnos, the handsome and jovial General Bavard and the lethal assassin Memphias by his sides, the godking spares no thoughts for the plight of his people, content to enjoy himself, safe in the knowledge that he is unasailable in the stone towers of Pen-Merethia.But there are stirrings upon the breeze... ancient spirits, long since banished from the land, whisper of change. In the far north, a simple woodsman summons the disillusioned people to arms. Closer to home, the smell of long-forbidden Spirit-craft is afoot.Invictus' rule is to be challenged.But as long as he has the backing of his dark patrons Beyond the Veil, he has nothing to worry about... does he?Find out in this, The Fall to Power, the second book in the Graeme Stone Saga.==The God-King took a step back as the Golem strode into the room, each leaden, automaton footstep causing the ground to tremble, motes of dust to fall from the ceiling. The beast rose to its full height, eight feet, nine, no ten, looming, a monster, a giant, dwarfing even the mighty form of the Barbarian King, who opened his mouth, half smiling, unable to be anything other than impressed by this crude, yet effective instrument of war.The keening, scratching noise again, the dry rustling of a trapped spirit, and, as Invictus looked into the monster’s artlessly chiselled eyes, he could see now the raging torment of the trapped djinn within. Somehow, the Sand Lords, the desert sorcerers of this region, had managed to trap this restless spirit within the construct, forcing it to serve them for all of eternity.                           The God-King grinned, for he saw the evil genius of the idea, but at the same time he saw its folly; for you do not send a spirit against Invictus, for he was an avatar of a power beyond that of the elements. With a thought, he bade the anguished spirit to go, to fleeA moment passed, then the Golem took another thunderous step towards him, the stone of the floor splintering beneath its tremendous weight.                           Ah, he thought. A spirit can’t flee if it’s bound, no more than a man could flee if tied to a ball and chain. Fair enough, there’s more than one way to skin a Golem...