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A gripping thriller, The Nazi Hunter mixes fierce partisan Washington politics, the search for ex-Nazi criminals, and a crazed, right-wing militia intent on bringing down the government. Nicknamed “the Nazi Hunter," Marek Cain, deputy director of the Office of Special Investigations at the Justice Department, has for ten years been the point man for tracking down ex-Nazis who have fraudulently entered the United States since World War II and bringing them to justice. One late afternoon, a distraught German woman eludes security and slips into Cain's office. “I have documents," she says, “important documents only for the Nazi Hunter." She promises to bring them the next day. When she doesn't show, he dismisses her as just another crackpot. But when he reads in the Washington Post the next morning that the woman has been brutally murdered, he senses he's on to something big. He must find those documents. The trail leads from Washington to Miami to...