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Adventures in the Liaden Universe(R) #15Before Miri Robertson met Val Con yos'Phelium she was an acclaimed mercenary soldier. Before she was an acclaimed mercenary soldier with the Gyrfalks, she was "Redhead," a young recruit in Lizardi's Lunatics. On Klamath it was Miri's job to carry Lizardi's Lunatics' special meteorological and comm equipment. That was her duty.Meanwhile, there was a weatherman, a Liaden, known as Ichliad Brunner. A weatherman's job is to observe and predict, and having someone on the surface of a strange and war-torn world could bring special insight to the process of weather, while he watched from an orbiting space station. That was his duty.Then the war took a turn no one expected, and duty took on special meanings for both of them, meanings they'd carry for the rest of their lives — if they survived!". . .I loved the action, the conflict of cultures, the characters, the romance. But best of all, and what makes each story enduringly special to me, is the...