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Samantha Douglas--Sammie to her friends--is a pretty, shy young girl living in a remote area of Alaska with her parents. She is normal except for one very unique and exceptional talent: she has been able to talk to animals as far back as she can remember. There is only one problem: no one believes her, not even her parents.
Sammie's talent gets her into more and more trouble as she grows older. Neighboring families fear their own children will attempt to emulate Samantha's ability to make friends with animals and get hurt by them--or worse. The Douglas family is ostracized and feared. The family is forced to move to the lower forty eight. As a teenager her very life and freedom is threatened. She is both worshiped and feared. A government agency wants her help. Others want to kidnap her and use her for their own purposes. Her only hope for a normal life is to help a secret agency solve a long-standing problem with her talent and the help of her animal friends. She also needs the help of a scientist she has secretly fallen in love with. This is a story of a girl that, like Harry Potter, both adults and young adults will enjoy.