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In the millennia since leaving Old Earth, humans have spread far and wide across the galaxy. A pantheon of sub-level gods was created to oversee the expanding population, always to protect them out of sight, never to become one of them - and never to experience love. Or so they thought.Collecting all four novellas from the Galactic Pantheon Series.The Flickering FlameGrace Pendergast is a disgraced reporter who thinks the galaxy would be better off without her. But then she meets Finara, the goddess of fire. As sparks ignite between them, Grace must choose between carrying out her original plans - or accepting an eternity at Finara's side.The Shifting IceDom Zhang has just fallen to his death when Rasson, the god of ice, rescues him. Dom would be grateful, except for the fact that Rasson has chosen Dom as his consort. And Dom has no intention of settling down - even if marrying a god comes with certain perks.The Whispering Grass