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I've always been an outcast, a freak, a girl with too much power and too little control. I've been a coward, hiding behind the people around me in order to remain in the shadows.The fire within me grows stronger every day, and it is starting to consume me. My magic is too much for a mortal body to handle alone. I have to find a way to control it, or lose my life to the flames.But when mysterious things begin happening with my magic-things that no one thought possible-a dark power makes itself known, too. The Dark Brotherhood has only one weakness: me. They are after me, and they will stop at nothing until my head is on a spike.There are few people I can trust, and even they might betray me. I have to think clearly about who I can trust and who I can't. What will happen if I make the wrong decision? And what will happen when a new potential ally enters the picture? Do I take a risk and put my life in his hands, or do I send him on his way?Only time will tell. Fans of paranormal, steamy and exciting romance novels must not miss out on this unique and epic tale! Grab this incredible story now! You won't believe what's inside...