Invisible Streets
by Toby Ball
In this visionary dystopian thriller, the hunt is on for a haul of explosives that shouldn't get into the wrong hands . . . or should it? A brilliantly imagined thriller, Invisible Streets is a sprawling, noirish epic of crime and corruption by an author who has been compared to Caleb Carr, James Ellroy, and Jonathan Lethem. It's the mid-1960s, and the City is a hulking shell of itself. Bohemians, crooks, and snarling anti-Communists have their run of the place, but if Nathan Canada has his way, all this decline and decadence will soon be nothing but a distant memory. His New City Project will paper over the grit and the grime, making the City safe for the rich. According to Canada and his influential allies, the project is the City's last best hope—but according to everyone else in town, it's a death knell. So when the Project's cache of explosives goes missing, everyone is a suspect, and police detective Torsten Grip finds himself up against...