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Book Description: An Amish Bed and Breakfast Mystery with Recipes
– PennDutch Mysteries #8Barbara Hostetler is
expecting triplets, and no one is more enthused than soon-to-be grandma and
PennDutch Inn cook, Freni. But when only two babies are born, Freni seems to be
the only one suspicious. Unable to accept the possibility of a monitoring
fluke, Freni calls on Magdalena Yoder, amateur sleuth and the PennDutch Inn’s
proprietress, to get to the bottom of the triplets minus one… Initially Magdalena takes
the case to humor her cook, but as the two women question the hospital’s nurses
and doctors, it becomes clear that their stories just aren’t adding up. Is
there a cradle robber on the loose? And how can a baby just…go missing? “Bubbling over with mirth and mystery.” –Dorothy Cannell “A delicious treat.” –Carolyn G. Hart “Charming and delightful...Tamar Myers
[keeps] it fresh and original.” -- Midwest Book Review About the Author:Tamar
Myers was born and raised in the Belgian Congo (now just the Congo). Her
parents were missionaries to a tribe, which, at that time, were known as
headhunters and used human skulls for drinking cups. Because of her pale blue
eyes, Tamar’s nickname was Ugly Eyes.Her
boarding school was two days away by truck, and sometimes it was necessary to
wade through crocodile infested-waters to reach it. Other dangers she
encountered as a child were cobras, deadly green mambas, and the voracious
armies of driver ants that ate every animal (and human) that didn’t get out of
their way.At
sixteen, Tamar's family settled in America, and she immediately underwent
culture shock: she didn’t know how to dial a telephone, cross a street at
a stoplight, or use a vending machine. She lucked out, however, by meeting
her husband, Jeffrey, on her first day at an American high school. They
literally bumped heads while he was leaving, and she entering, the Civics
college Tamar began to submit novels for publication, but it took twenty-three
years for her to get published. Persistence paid off, however, because
Tamar is now the author of three ongoing mystery series: One is set in
Amish Pennsylvania and features Magdalena Yoder, an Amish-Mennonite sleuth who
runs a bed and breakfast inn; one, set in the Carolinas, centers around
the adventures of Abigail Timberlake, who runs an antique and collectable store
(the Den of Antiquity); and the third is set in the Africa of her youth, with
its colorful, unique inhabitants.Tamar now
calls North Carolina home. She lives with her husband, a Basenji dog named
Pagan, two rescue kitties: a very large Bengal named Nkashama, and an orange
tabby cat who goes by the name of Dumpster Boy. Tamar enjoys gardening
(she is a Master Gardner), bonsai, travel, painting and, of course, reading.
She's currently working on her next Amish