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****}}38Written entirely from the perspective of a zombie named Hetfield Madden, the story follows Het from normal life, through infection, and then to his subsequent transformation into a monster. When he realizes that he's become something less than what he was, he struggles to come to grips with his new reality. The biggest challenge confronting this transition? Accepting the fact that he is now a zombie. Rather than merely the mindless, gruesome ghouls so often depicted in movies, Het and his fellow zombies view themselves as infected outcasts burdened by a sickness from which they can't seem to heal. Compounding their troubles is the fact that the government and society at-large ("Healthies") have completely rejected them, preferring to herd them into internment camps than help them recover their humanity. In light of everything confronting him, Het is forced to undergo a lot of spiritual reflection if he ever hopes to regain everything he's ever cared about. The age-old doomsday scenario of a post-apocalyptic world is twisted and told from the perspective of the diseased masses. it is written to inspire empathy in readers and invite them to consider just how it would feel to be afflicted by such a horrendous twist of fate and come face-to-face with society's prejudices and hypocritical leanings that effect even the slightest of our everyday decisions. There are also spiritual, religious, and political undertones woven throughout. Het Madden, A Zombie Perspective Calvin A. L. Miller II From the AuthorThis book is best read on an empty stomach...