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Seventeen year old Cassandra Wild thought living in the chaos of her mother’s home daycare and dealing with her developing feelings for Bryce, her new Martial Arts’ instructor, was a struggle, until the night her world turned upside down. When an untested vaccine kills more than just a rampant flu virus, Cassie learns how to survive in a world where the dead walk and the living…run!Cover photo by Kiselev Andrey Valerevich/Shutterstock.comExcerpt “It’s Bryce. Where are you at?” he demanded.I was wracked with so many emotions that my knees gave out. I sank to the ground. “Oh thank God!” I gasped. “I…I didn’t know what happened to you.”“I’m fine,” he replied sternly. “Stay where you are and I’ll come get you. Are you still at Paige’s?”Before I had a chance to respond, Paige gasped in horror and backed into me. “What?” I turned and dropped the phone.Two zombies stood at the entrance of her bedroom. The smell emitting from them rose like a wave of rotting garbage.“Holy crap,” said Paige in a strangled voice. The moon was shining through her bedroom window, giving us a pretty good view of the zombies. One of them, a skinny half-naked man with white curly hair, made an ugly gurgling noise and then curled its lower lip, as if smiling. There was blood dripping from his rotting face and he held what looked the remains of someone’s arm. He tossed it to the ground and staggered towards us. The next thing I knew, Paige let out some kind of ferocious battle cry, then lifted the metal bat and swung high, bashing the zombie smack in the middle of its skull. Before I could react, she raised it again, this time hitting a solid home run on the creature’s head. It dropped to the ground with a loud sickening thud.The other zombie, a muscular bald guy with skull tattoos all over his head, growled at us. I raised my gun to shoot him, but the Berretta jammed. “For the love of God,” I mumbled trying repeatedly to shoot it.“Hold on,” Paige snapped as she tried to dislodge the bat from the other zombie. But skull-head just couldn’t wait; he staggered eagerly towards me, white froth foaming from his mouth. Fortunately for me he was terribly slow, with very little coordination. I stepped out of his line of attack and he fell to the ground. When he finally lifted himself back up, I jumped into the air and did a hard side kick; my foot catching him in the throat. He fell backward onto Paige’s jewelry box and that’s when all hell broke loose.Paige’s face turned red and she screamed in fury. “Get your ugly ass off of my grandmother’s jewelry box you piece of dead rotting meat!!!” Then she kicked the zombie onto the floor and stomped her new Jimmy Choo boot-heel onto its face until it was just a bloody mass of gore.I stared at her in shock as she wiped the perspiration off of her forehead, then grabbed a towel and began cleaning off her boot.When I finally found my voice, I said, “So, I guess you believe me now?”