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FROM MANAGED CARE TO MURDERAttorney Kate Millholland grew up on Chicago’s Gold Coast, an accessoiy to her socialite mother. Now she lives in a rough Hyde Park neighborhood, works long hours for demanding clients, and eats cold takeout for breakfast. Then Kate takes her mother on as a client, and her legal career takes an unexpected turn.The sale of her family’s charitable hospital to a greedy corporation has Kate’s mother up in arms. And when Kate enters the fray, she finds a shocking secret: Patients are mysteriously dying at Prescott Memorial Hospital. Kate is dead certain that a killer is on the loose—and for proof, she has to look no closer than home....“Hartzmark is an excellent writer...especially good at catching the vibrations of tension which encircle complex business dealings.”—Mystery NewsU.S. $6.50/Canada $9.99Visit our Web site printed in USA