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Trading Card: Max Dorset  Occupation: Lawyer...professional shark  Marry/Date/One-Night Stand: One wicked night only. No exceptions  Secret Passion: Good girls with a naughty side!  Warning: Serious workaholic = no time for relationships  Bottom Line: Thanks to a major mix-up, this bachelor wrongfully labeled as marriage material!  It's archivist/movie-buff Natalie Gellar's very first Hot Guys Trading Card event. And boy, did she luck out. She found a quiet - and smokin' hot! - librarian looking for marriage. Unfortunately, there was a tiny mix-up at the printer...and aside from the sexy pic, Natalie's perfect man is everything she doesn't want!  Max Dorset is a damn good lawyer who has no time for anything that isn't work. Marriage and relationships? No, thanks. But he offers Natalie a tantalizing temptation. Because even if he isn't her Mr. Right...he might just be her perfect Mr. Tonight!