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In 2217, an unknown race of aliens attack Tellus, an alternate/parallel version of Earth. After a brief invasion attempt, the aliens, nicknamed Scalies, are pushed back. A Rift in space is left by the aliens leading to another system.In 2217, an unknown race of aliens attack Tellus, an alternate/parallel version of Earth. After a brief invasion attempt, the aliens, nicknamed Scalies, are pushed back. A Rift in space is left by the aliens leading to another system. Twentyish years later, a united humanity has built their first large warship, the Prime Meridian. After being augmented by two newly built gunships, they leave to investigate the other side of the Rift. A mysterious chain of events occurs causing the Prime to limp home, missing one of her gunships. An inquisition is launched by the Grand Marshal of the Space Service to determine the role that Lt. Aros Drogen played in the chaos.