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Laundry Man(Jack Shepherd series #1)    “Much of the fun in reading LAUNDRY MAN is in trying to guess how much of the story is based on fact. Although it might seem unlikely that government agencies would engage in such brazen corruption in real life, the truth is they already have. Mr. Needham seems to know rather more than one ought about these things.”    — The Wall Street Journal AsiaOnce a high-flying international lawyer, a member of the innermost circles of government power, Jack Shepherd has abandoned the savage politics of Washington for the lethargic backwater of Bangkok, where he is now just an unremarkable professor at an unimportant university in an insignificant city.Or is he?A secretive Asian bank collapses under dubious circumstances. A former law partner Shepherd thought dead reveals himself as the force behind the disgraced bank and coerces Shepherd into helping him track the hundreds of millions of dollars that disappeared in the collapse. A twisting trail of deceit leads Shepherd from Bangkok to Hong Kong and eventually to an isolated villa on the fabled island of Phuket where he confronts the evil at the heart of a monstrous game of international treachery.A lawyer among people who laugh at the law, a friend in a land where today’s allies are tomorrow’s fugitives, Jack Shepherd battles a global tide of corruption, extortion and murder that is fast engulfing the new life he has built for himself in Thailand.