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Aubrey and Neville had always wanted to have an adventure of their own. Like those they had heard about in stories or read about on the rare occasions a book was available. They even knew what adventure they wanted to pursue. Since they were very young boys, they had always spoken of one day journeying beyond the Crystalline Sea!Aubrey and Neville had always wanted to have an adventure of their own. Like those they had heard about in stories or read about on the rare occasions a book was available. They even knew what adventure they wanted to pursue. Since they were very young boys, they had always spoken of one day journeying beyond the Crystalline Sea. They had even gone so far as to train themselves in some of the tasks they would need on their journey; walking long distances, using stout branches as swords to develop their hero-like blade work, and sailing a small homemade boat on the lake to develop the seamanship they would need to cross the great ocean. Yes, they were certain they had prepared themselves completely.The summer of their fifteenth year was swiftly approaching and they deemed it was nearly time for the adventure they dreamed of to become reality.

Pages of Friends of the Crown - Book 1 of Heroes of the Realm :

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