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Book Description: 
When an Institute battleship threatens to destroy the planet, Donovan must wage war without modern weaponry. Before the Zebulon crew escaped from Institute-controlled space twenty years ago, Dr. Alexander deleted crucial records about Transfer from Institute files and hoped they could vanish before the Institute discovered the sabotage. He was wrong! Humiliated by the exodus of the scientists, Fremont won’t rest until he extracts the ultimate revenge.
Donovan must train new recruits to operate forbidden technology and bored teenagers look like perfect candidates. Is there enough time for feudal lordlings to learn space-age skills and save the planet? In the meantime desert riders target Jarrack’s daughter, Shariel, who inherited his power of mind control. Afraid of becoming evil like her father, she needs to perfect the skill to help her siblings escape from a desert prison.
The royal princesses face other predicaments. Lauryn travels to a desert stronghold to halt a dangerous radiation leak and falls prey to Salizar, a desert rider eager to marry a princess. Tessa and the wolves capture Jarrack, whose mind dwells inside a vulnerable young son. Can they keep him contained? Brandon, a spoiled lordling wants Felesia as his bride and plots to shanghai Jordan.
Wild dragons join humans to rescue Shariel. The dragons enjoy giving rides to humans, but will they agree to fight for their new friends? As the clock ticks toward an explosive deadline, humans, dragons, and wolves execute a dramatic confrontation. Courage and ingenuity are the best weapons to prevent disaster and forge a new direction for the backward society. Will Donovan’s “dragon defense” strategy tip the balance in Drako’s favor? Their very survival depends on its success.
**About the Author
Diane Rapp became an entrepreneur when she started her own dog grooming salon in Santa Barbara, California. She spent the next thirty years as a small business owner; she sold real estate, started an office supply/copy center, and performed free-lance advertising design. During all those years Diane wrote stories as a cure for insomnia. She wrote short stories about dogs for a local German Shepherd Dog Club newsletter, and then expanded to full length novels. After Diane and her daughter Laura co-authored a travel guidebook entitled Cruising the Eastern Caribbean (four editions were published by Hunter Publishing) Laura gave Diane the idea of writing a mystery set on cruise ships in the Caribbean. Murder Caribbean-Style and Murder on a Ghost Ship are the first two novels of a High Seas Mystery series. The third novel Murder for Glacier Blue features a wedding cruise to Alaska. It’s scheduled for release in 2013. Howl of the Wolf was the first book in Diane’s Heirs to the Throne science fiction series. It introduced the planet Drako, telepathic wolves, and the crew of the space ship that took sanctuary on a planet that banned technology. In the second book, The Havenshire Resistance, Krystal’s teenage daughters must learn to use inherited powers and join an army of samurai women, telepathic wolves, and commoners to save the kingdom from the evil plans of Jarrack. Dragon Defense is the third novel in the series. Donovan’s group must train teenagers and encourage wild dragons to defend Drako from destruction by the Institute. Visit Diane’s website ( to learn more about the characters in her books. You may also find Diane’s posts at the QuickSilver Novels Facebook page or follow her on Twitter @DianeRapp.