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The Past or The Coming Future is a fiction novel about the End Times. It tells the story of an elderly couple that accepts Jesus as their personal Savior right after the Rapture. It will take you step by step through things that happen just before the rapture and the 45 days right after the rapture. This first book, in a 3 book series.Mrs Mann, here after referred to as Marty, dramatizes the public image of an alcoholic. Born in wealth she drank up her fortune and ended up on charity in an insane asylum. Between her wealth and her poverty she hobnobbed with Europe's leading intellectuals in a loose knit group known as the Bloomberg Group. In England Marty socialized with men like William James, Karl Jung and Joseph Conrad, individuals that connected the dots from Einstein's Revolutionary theory of relativity,change is possible, and embraced by Dr Silkworth and passed on to the cofounder of AA, Bill Wilson.Marty embraced the 12 Step Program for recovery from alcoholish and promoted the idea that alcoholism is an overwhelming issue in public health, a disease.The story of Mrs Marty Man is absolutely essential understanding the revolutionary ideas found in Alcoholics Anonymous.