Country Diversions (Country Pursuits)
by Thea Harris
Two young men are enjoying their last summer of carefree enjoyment at a family estate before taking up respectable positions in the city as men of business and their conversation turns to the ribald escapades one of them has enjoyed with his sister-in-law's lady's maid and how their connection came to be. Edison describes with relish witnessing Alice being first tipped over his sister-in-law's knee for chastisement and then, later, his own as in one night he throughly deflowers Alice in almost every way there is and leaves the pretty maid with a glowing rear and exhausted under his hands. This is a work of erotica which features characters all over the age of eighteen and all, ultimately, consenting to the sexual situations they are in. This is not intended to be read by minors. This short story is approximately 11,699 words long.