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Never Underestimate the Power of a Liberated Witch. Despite swirling rumors of war, seventeen-year-old Bianca Monroe is living without restraint for the first time. With no curse to hinder her and her enemy, Miss Mabel, imprisoned in an impervious dungeon, she's finally free. Nothing lasts forever. The Southern Network attacks, launching Bianca, her beloved father, and everyone she cares for into a war controlled by the clandestine witch Angelina. Chatham City burns, Guardians die, and Bianca soon realizes the only witch who can save the Central Network is the conniving Miss Mabel. Will setting Miss Mabel free save everyone she loves, or unleash a greater evil on the Central Network and all of Antebellum? Is Bianca strong enough to make the right choice? The High Priest's Daughter is the third book in the thrilling new fantasy collection The Network Series. It's a haunting tale about growing up and finding the strength within.