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The Oh My God Delusion is Ross O'Carrolly Kelly at his finest - and the publc agrees. It was voted Ireland's favourite book in Eason's 125th birthday poll and won the 2010 Irish Book Award for Popular Fiction.Ross thought the porty was going to last forever. He certainly didn't believe the current economic blahdy blah was going to affect people like him. But as he watched the shutters fall, one by one, on all his old haunts - Renards, Mint, Guess Meanswear - he was forced to question all the truths that he once held as sacred.Sorcha's boutique was bleeding him dry, the Deportment of Social Welfare had stuck two yahoos in the penthouse next door, while Oisinn - his business empire in ruins - hadn't been seen since he porked his cor at Dublin Airport and took off for who knows where.'Isn't it wonderful?' the old man went to Ross. 'Times like these, they bring out the best in people like us.'But just when he...