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Product DescriptionOnce she was bad...After one wild and heartbreaking affair in her past, Lena is now very, very good. She prides herself on her iron self-control—working for the hottest sports team in New Zealand, it[HTML_REMOVED]s all testosterone but no touching!But he[HTML_REMOVED]s tempting her to be wicked...Spending day in, day out in the boys[HTML_REMOVED] locker rooms, Lena thinks she[HTML_REMOVED]s immune to even the most honed set of abs. Then Seth saunters into her life, and suddenly her inner bad girl is back in the game.... About the AuthorNatalie Anderson adores happy endings, so you can be sure you've got happy endings to enjoy when you buy her books, she promises nothing less. She loves peppermint filled dark chocolate, pineapple juice & extremely long showers, plus teasing her imaginary friends with dating dilemmas! She lives in New Zealand with her gorgeous husband & four fabulous children.If you love happy endings too, come find her on, twitter @authornataliea, or