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This new YA series takes on a classic story, Brigadoon, and spins it in a new way to give readers a fresh, modern experience.Fairy tale retellings have become popular in today’s culture, ranging from creative reimaginings of favorite childhood tales to mash-ups with today’s world. And with shows such as Smash and Glee capturing people’s attention, Broadway is making a comeback as well. Authors Carey Corp and Lorie Langdon tap into both trends while also providing an entertaining and spell-binding story with Doon, the first book in a new YA series featuring adventure, humor, and two amazing—and very different—romances.In this creative spin on the classic Brigadoon, Veronica and her best friend, Mackenna, travel to Scotland for the summer in hopes of finding some peace. But the Scottish countryside holds a host of secrets—including a passageway to a mysterious land that appears to be a real-life fairy tale. In the land of Doon, two handsome princes vie for the girls’ hearts. Veronica and Mackenna could have everything they’ve ever longed for … or end up breaking an enchantment and find themselves trapped in a world that may soon become a nightmare.Lorie Langdon has over ten years of experience writing online and print advertising for a Fortune 500 company, and left her thriving corporate career to satisfy the voices in her head. Now as a full-time author and stay-at-home mom, she spends her summers editing poolside while dodging automatic water-gun fire, and the rest of the year tucked into her cozy office, Havanese puppy by her side, working to translate her effusive imagination into the written word and continue to build the young-adult-focused blog, HonestlyYA.Carey Corp lives in the metropolitan Midwest with her loveable yet out-of-control family. Carey wrote her first book at the age of seven, and currently begins each morning consuming copious amounts of coffee while weaving stories that capture her exhaustive imagination. She harbors a voracious passion (in no consistent order) for mohawks, Italy, musical theater, chocolate, and Jane Austen. Carey’s debut novel for teens, The Halo Chronicles: The Guardian, earned her national recognition as 2010 Golden Heart finalist for best young adult fiction and was recently featured at the 2012 RT Booklovers Convention in Chicago in YA Alley.