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Fifth episode in the Tales of the Quantum Corps. General John Winger leads his troopers against a robotic messiah named Symborg, possibly an advance scout for the Old Ones, now reconnoitering the edges of the solar system and preparing to fix what they started a billion years ago. Symborg and his Assimilationists attract millions, but Quantum Corps must find a way to defeat them...and fast.At the dawn of the 22nd century, nanobotic technology is critical to the global economy. Swarms are everywhere. Swarms can even resemble people...they're called angels. It's getting harder to tell them apart from Normals. Out of this chaos comes a robotic messiah, a swarm savior named Symborg, who promises a new kind of paradise through the Church of Assimilation. Along with some disturbing developments along the outer boundaries of our solar system, it seems as if the Old Ones have sent advance scouts to reconnoiter what they started a billion years ago...and fix it. Symborg may be one of them. General John Winger leads his harried nanotroopers into combat, on battlefields across the globe, around the solar system and inside the world of atoms and molecules. Fifth episode of the Tales of the Quantum Corps.