Sold! In the Show Me State
by Jessie Gussman
The town outcast buys a date with Cowboy Crossing's own A-List movie star.Ivory Haines is the daughter of the town's resident retired prostitute and possibly the town drunk, although her mother wasn't entirely certain.She resents her position in the town – and especially resents the teasing she'd been subjected to – and has vowed to show everyone that she is just as good as they are.She can hardly believe her luck when Chandler Hudson donates a month of his time to the highest bidder at the charity auction to benefit local victims of the recent tornado damage.Chandler wasn't sure what he'd been expecting when he'd offered a month of his time to charity. Maybe for a young woman to buy him and make him her one-month temporary boyfriend. Possibly his brothers would buy him and work him to death for a month. Worst case would be some elderly lady purchasing him just to decorate her dinner table with his presence for a few weeks.It never occurred to him that Ivory Haines would buy him and drag him out to her run-down, ramshackle, snake-infested bunkhouse for a month of labor on her dirt-poor farm.But as he gets to know her and sees beyond the reputation the town has given her- undeserved - he changes his focus from one of enduring to one of ensnaring.Can they put the past behind them and step into a bright new future…together?