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Kay Hamilton, the beautiful, fearless, and audacious DEA agent who went rogue in Rosarito Beach, has paid the price for her subversive behavior. As Viking Bay begins, Kay has been fired by the DEA and needs a job to support herself and her teenage daughter. Kay moves to Washington D.C. and connects with the Callahan Group, a shadowy quasi-governmental agency with an enigmatic agenda. For her first mission, Kay is told only a few facts: that the U.S. government wants Sahid Khan, a provincial Afghan governor, to become the nation's next president, and that Khan's daughter Ara—a Western-educated former party girl—is her father's key political advisor. Kay Hamilton is the perfect undercover operative to learn Ara's secrets and sway her thinking in line with America's interests. But when things go horribly wrong at a clandestine meeting in Afghanistan, Kay emerges at the center of an international plot that makes her question those she loves, those...