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Talon is a hunter, a member of the team charged with protecting the outer sphere and its inhabitants. His entire life is devoted to duty and protection. And now, after ten years of preparation and anticipation, a female trophy is his reward. When Chanah inadvertently steps into hunter territory and breaks the law on his watch, she becomes his trophy by right of capture. Focused and with single-minded determination, Talon applies the same dedication to the task of transforming Chanah into his idea of the perfect trophy-a submissive who will meet all his sexual needs. But things go awry from the start and Chanah, with her strong nature and reluctance to submit, makes Talon realize that a "trophy" is not the prize he thought it would be. Sexy, feisty, with a mind of her own, Chanah moves their fiery, intense sexual encounters from a battle of wills to a battle of emotions-a battle Talon is ill-equipped to wage but discovers the rewards are so much more. Fate dictates her whims on those she selects to join together. Talon may call Chanah his trophy but fate will ensure that his heart becomes her prize.