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Snatched off a beach by British Commandos, getting blind drunk in a reet Yorkshire pub, incarcerated with a troop of panty-wearing lady boys, and appearing on the front of every German newspaper. These are the continuing adventures of one good-for-nothing rogue, Otto Stahl esquire."Flashman for the Second World War" - Benjamin LindleyOtto avoids SS pursuers with the help of the Count and a spot of "honest work". Until, that is, the Secret Intelligence Service spoils their early retirement. Will he escape the oddest prisoner of war camp in Britain? Will he reunite with the Count for a second daring mission? Will he learn of a shocking secret that implicates the very top of British government? One thing's for certain: his dashing good looks will save the day.Republished for the first time since their initial release, Otto Stahl's comic Adventures are now available as ebooks, and this is the second installment. Leo Kessler is the pseudonym of prolific WW2 author and historian Charles...