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Alex Marshall is in deep trouble. He’s only a student drop out but in the space of two months he’s been recruited as an agent by the Soviet, British and U.S secret services; just as the Cuba Crisis is building up to its climax. And all because he’s developed a crush on a French girl he has just met in London... This specially formatted ebook version of James Brodie's Debut novel is chapterised for the months of 1962 & 63 during which the first person narrator gets dragged deeper and deeper away from the real world into the enclosed and detached community of international espionage and politics. It’s about London, the city; which forms the backdrop to most of the action and informs it. It’s a loving appreciation of the London of that time, not just central London but the suburbs, specific locations. It’s also about the post-war politics and the ongoing and endless debates of the Left, both in Britain and Europe; and the social and artistic revolution going on in Britain at that time, as seen through the eyes of the protagonists...