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Bernie only needs $99 for freedom, but he can't make a dimeBernie Segal has a lot of normal problems—like algebra, his height, and a sister who insists he help her learn her lines for the stupid school play. But he also has a lot of not-so-normal problems, like dealing with his father's death. His mother is about to remarry, and the thought of having a new man around the house makes Bernie sick. To get out of being at the wedding, Bernie decides to fly to Miami to live with his grandfather. All he needs is $99 for airfare—but where is he going to get the money?Bernie's asthma means he can't do anything strenuous, like having a paper route, so he's forced to take lame jobs, even babysitting, to get the cash. But as the date for his great escape approaches, Bernie begins to wonder if he's really trying to run away from the wedding and his new stepfather, or if he is running from himself.This ebook features an illustrated biography of Hilma Wolitzer, including...