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The jOYs of Live by comedy author Michelle Hoppe is a look into the ups and downs of raising a family while attempting to become an author. Take a peek into the family life of the Hoppe clan and discover how Michelle turned oys into jOYs...or at least delightfully funny stories."My life was a sort of series of random disasters." Claire TomalinI was blessed with the ability to view life through rose tinted glasses. This, along with a twisted sense of humor and a madcap home crew, who didn't always share my sense of humor, made my life more a series of random jOYs.This book details my life as a newbie author while also being a wife, mother, business owner, grandmother, and OMG single again! In the words of Erma Bombeck, "When humor goes, there goes civilization!" So, this comedy auto-biography is my contribution to the continuation of mankind-oops, personkind!This hilarious book contains humor about family life and is sure to keep you laughing...