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In Jean de La Hire's original 1943 novel, The King of the Night, translated by Brian Stableford, the Nyctalope travels to Rhea, a wandering planetoid inhabited by two warring races of ape-men and bat-men, and forces the two species to make peace. In its all-new sequel, Return of the Nyctalope, by Jean-Marc & Randy Lofficier, the Nyctalope returns to Rhea as it is about to leave the Solar System, and comes to grips with his own past while charting out a bold map for the future of Humanity. Leo Saint-Clair, alias the Nyctalope, was created in 1911 by Jean de La Hire, one of France's most prolific serial writers. Gifted with night vision, hypnotic powers and an artificial heart, Saint-Clair was a fearless hero who battled a gallery of colorful super-villains. His adventures, which spanned 30 years, created a template that was later adopted by other pulp and comic-book heroes, and continue today in new stories, of which this is the most recent.