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Savage EdenA time between Ice Ages.Golau, a Cro-Magnon
hunter gatherer, is pulled from a freezing lake and nursed back to
health by a group of wandering Neanderthal. Miles away, his clan's
peaceful existence is torn apart by an attack from an unknown predatory
species and many are taken beyond the ice wall as prey.Golau and some of the remaining men set out in pursuit and are joined by a pod of Neanderthal, seeking answers of their own. During
the quest, the two species are forced to forget their differences and
work together despite some uncomfortable truths being revealed.Back
in the Clan, those left behind are forced to change their ways very
quickly if they are going to survive the oncoming winter and a young
feisty girl with strange ideas leads them down a path completely alien
to what they have always done before.Beyond the ice wall, the
horrifying truth about the third species is finally uncovered and
answers revealed that affect both hunter and Neanderthal alike resulting
in a bloody confrontation, the outcome of which has the potential to
affect the very future of humanity.