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A little over one month ago, a new girl came to Seelie High and threw the school, and the entire town, into chaos when she opened a mysterious door. Now another new student will make an appearance. Will Dylan's first day be as memorable as Kira's? Find out what happens when the new boy goes through the door and for the first time a Seelie High student gets to see what it's like on the other side.Dylan Blake has never had a home before and he isn't expecting to find one in New Elphame, Michigan. But his new town is nothing like he expected. Between the foster parents who don't seem quite sure what to make of him and the kids at school who act a little afraid of him, Dylan is pretty sure that he's not going to stick around too long. But then someone tells his a crazy story about another new kid at Seelie High and the mysterious door she opened. It's all a little hard to accept, but Dylan might start believing when he steps through the door himself.Find out what life is like on the other side of the door in this third installment in the Tales from Seelie High collection. Whether you have been keeping up with the series or this is your first introduction to the students of Seelie High School, you will find yourself drawn into the mystery of New Elphame's strange, and possibly magical, past and the exciting adventure of its future. This edition also includes two mini-stories involving the students of Seelie High—a collection of interviews conducted by the intrepid Greer Douglas, student reporter for the Daily Chronicles, and a personal account of one student’s discovery of a magical heritage.