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In the millennia since leaving Old Earth, humans have spread far and wide across the galaxy. An array of sub-level gods were created to deal with the expanding population, always to protect the mortals out of sight, never to let a single soul distract them from their duties.Fei is a brilliant but downtrodden programmer struggling with a crisis of faith. When she finds proof that GLEA, an organisation filled with the Creator God's most loyal followers, owns the company she works for, her secular sanctuary is shattered. Kuja, god of the rainforests, encounters Fei while she is still reeling from her discovery and feels compelled to give her the patience and understanding she so badly needs.But Kuja must make sure he abandons her before his siblings discover how deep his feelings for her really are. They would see her as a distraction — or worse, a threat to the grand design, one that needs removing. And Fei is already in enough danger. With GLEA preparing to...