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Anne Henderson, whose super powers granted her immortality millennia ago, is one of the few people aware that the government agency run by Dr. Jacob Globe has been subverted to an evil purpose. Globe is still tracking down super-powered humans, but not to help them. His ambition is to learn the secret behind their powers, and give or take them at will. Anne works alongside several others of her kind, as well as police detective Frank Massey who has been following the emergence of supers, to rescue those that Globe has taken and to expose his activities to the world.
While Globe consolidates his power, he plans to extend it even further in a bid to become Seattle's next mayor, on an anti-super platform. The resistance is still scattered and faces daily persecution and even arrest as Globe employs skilled hackers to frame an innocent man for an act of terror. But some of the supers he's captured and sedated are kept that way for a reason, leaving Anne and the others fighting Globe an impossible choice: to let one monster flourish, or loose another against him.