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The Space Dragons series is about a Morphic SpaceDragon named Evella Noctu who attempts to unite all ofthe remaining Space Dragon Clans into one unified Society.She is met with alliances, betrayal, pirates, space police,telepaths, sorcery, political strife, wars from encroachingempires, and personal issues.The Space Dragons series is about a Morphic SpaceDragon named Evella Noctu who attempts to unite all ofthe remaining Space Dragon Clans into one unified Society.She is met with alliances, betrayal, pirates, space police,telepaths, sorcery, political strife, wars from encroachingempires, and personal issues.This is one of many series that takes place in the Galaxyof Empires Universe.

Pages of Galaxy of Empires- Rise of the Space Dragon Episode #1 :

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