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After fifteen years as a widow, is it Nora's turn for love?Nora Cooper has spent long years running her restaurant, raising her kids, and keeping a lock on her heart. Now she’s tired—especially with Christmas coming and trying to pull her son’s wedding together in four short weeks. She can’t help but wonder how empty her life will be with the kids moving on.When retired CEO Forrest Holt visits McCormick’s Creek, Oregon, something about the small town charms him. He’s entranced with the way strangers are welcomed, with the way townspeople pull together, and especially with the way Nora Cooper lights up a forgotten feeling inside him. But he’s used to love ‘em and leave ‘em relationships, and she’s not that type.As her son’s Christmas wedding draws ever nearer, Nora’s life becomes a flurry of activities after long days of work. Can she make time for Forrest, who is beginning to open her heart? And is he willing to risk himself and commit to more than a fling?

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