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Dr. Glasby looked over the rims of his spectacles at the boy before him. Then he glanced at Mr. Anderson, cleared his throat with a loud "ahem" that made Roger start, and said, very ponderously: "Um!" "Well?" asked Mr. Anderson, a little anxious tone coming into his voice, "what\'s the verdict, doctor?" "Um!" said the physician again. "Nothing very serious, Mr. Anderson. Roger, here, is a little run down, that\'s all. He\'s been studying too hard, his eyes are a trifle weak, muscles flabby, and his blood hasn\'t enough of the good red stuff in it. In short, he must live out of doors for a year or so, and then I\'ll guarantee he will come back with red cheeks and a pair of arms that will make you proud of him. Eh, Roger?" and Dr. Glasby pinched the rather small and soft biceps of the boy, smiling the while, good naturedly.
--This text refers to an alternate Paperback edition.

--This text refers to an alternate Paperback edition.