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Just for You

Page 3

by E. L. Todd

  “If you’re a monster, I’m one too.”

  His lips stretched into a faint smile but it didn’t seem genuine. “It’s nice not to be alone. I don’t really have anyone to talk to about this kind of stuff. With my boys it’s all sports and business.”

  “I don’t have anyone to talk to—period.”

  “Then Conrad had a good idea when he suggested we be friends.”

  “I guess he did.” I held his crystal blue gaze but started to feel uncomfortable. They were piercing and intelligent. Even though he ran a bar and didn’t have any strong opinions it was clear he was smart. Something about that gaze made me want to squirm in my seat. Perhaps it was because I never returned anyone’s look. But with Jared, I couldn’t turn away. “That’s all I can be…friends.” I wasn’t sure what possessed me to say that. It just came out, probably because I was uncomfortable.

  “I didn’t think otherwise. That’s all I can be too. I do want to get married again someday and start a family. But since I’m not over my ex I’ll have to put it on hold.”

  His words made me relax. “Me too.”

  “So, you want to hang out? I can teach you to be less stiff. Trust me, guys aren’t a fan of it.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him. “I’m not stiff.”

  “Are you kidding me?” he said with a laugh. “You’re the stiffest person I’ve ever known. Was that shot the most alcohol you’ve ever had in your life?”

  It irritated me that he was right. “No…”

  He laughed. “You’re so full of it.”

  “Okay…maybe I am.”

  “I’ll help you out. It takes a lot for someone to come out of their shell.”

  “I don’t need help,” I said defensively.

  He looked at me and tried not to laugh.

  “Okay…maybe I do.”

  “Let’s play baseball this weekend.”

  “Baseball?” That was random.

  “Yeah. You know how to play, right?”

  “I do but…that’s so random.”

  “My boys and I book a field at the park. Play with us. There are usually other girls there.”

  “Uh…I just—”

  “You’re coming. End of story.”

  Chapter Five


  Conrad looked into my eyes as he thrust inside me, the love and devotion evident deep in his irises. He moved into me slowly like he wanted to make our rendezvous last forever. His lips would find mine and suck my bottom lip before he pulled away and pressed his face to mine.

  He was an amazing lover.

  Sweat trickled down his chest, and my fingertips felt the warm liquid as I felt the prominent muscles underneath the skin. It felt like a mountain was on top of me, strong and powerful.

  “I cherish you,” he said through his breathing.

  Months ago, I asked him if he cherished me. I didn’t know what possessed me to ask such a thing but I did. And that was his answer. Since he said it now, it told me he remembered that moment as clearly as I did, and even then he knew he loved me.

  Conrad didn’t do dirty talk but he said sweet things in bed. That was more of a turn on to me than anything else. Seeing the way he loved me like nothing else in the world mattered was sexy as hell.

  Conrad brought me to an orgasm like he always did, and he pushed himself further inside me as he moved me over the edge. He panted as he thrust hard, trying to give me everything he had. He kept my body close to him and he dominated me with his powerful strength. Then he released inside, making a satisfied moan as he did it.

  My life with Conrad was perfect and I never wanted it to end. After what Jared did to me I didn’t think I could ever trust a man again. But with Conrad, I never wondered where he was when we weren’t together. I never questioned his word. And I never doubted how he felt about me. He was the most loyal and devoted man I’d ever known.

  I was so lucky to be with him.

  When my marriage fell apart I was broken. I wanted Jared so badly but nothing I did or said could make him take it seriously. When I finally let him go, it was still painful.

  But now I was glad our marriage hadn’t worked out. I was glad he cheated and broke us apart. Because what I had with Conrad was so much more than what I had with him.

  Conrad caught his breath as he lay over me, and then he pressed a kiss to my sweaty temple. Then he moved off of me and lay on his back with his arm draped over the pillow. He closed his eyes as he cooled off.

  I propped my elbow then rested my head in my palm. I watched him lie there with his eyes closed. He looked relaxed and peaceful. His chest rose and deflated at a steady rate. Sometimes I felt like I was bedding a gladiator.

  He turned his head and cracked one eye open. “You watching me, baby?”

  “I like what I see.”

  He grinned then closed his eye. “So does the rest of the world.”

  I leaned over him then pressed a kiss to the area over his heart. “I’m sure it does.”

  His hand moved into my hair and he pulled me close to him. “You’re so beautiful.”

  My cheeks immediately tinted. When he said things like that it made me blush. I wasn’t embarrassed or uncomfortable. I just felt special. “Yeah?”

  “When your lips are all red and puckered and your hair is a giant mess you look like a stud just ruffled you up. And since I’m that stud it’s sexy.”

  “You make me sound like a whore.”

  “You are a whore—for me.” He brushed his lips across my hair. “I got you something.”

  ‘What?” I rested my face against his chest.

  “I think you’ll like it.”

  “I’ll love anything you get me.”

  He opened his nightstand and pulled out a small box.

  My heart immediately accelerated. I knew I was jumping to conclusions and I needed to stop. There was no way he was proposing to me. I needed to get the thought out of my head.

  Conrad opened the box, and inside was a pair of flawless diamond earrings. The diamonds had to be at least a karat each. They glittered in the dim light and cast small rainbows. “When you wear your hair up you look really nice. I thought these would look good on you. I want you to wear them when I take you to dinner.”

  “Conrad…you didn’t have to buy me anything.”

  “I know.” He held the box out to me. “Put them on.”

  I smiled then placed each earring into my lobes. They felt heavy because I wasn’t used to the weight.

  Conrad placed his fingers under my chin and forced me to look up at him. He examined each ear. “They look beautiful on you.”

  “That was really sweet…”

  He kissed my neck. “I like buying you things. And I like having someone to buy things for.”

  My eyes watered slightly. He always did sweet little things to make me choke up.

  His lips moved to the corner of my eye and he kissed the moisture away. “I like it when you appreciate the things I do for you.”

  “Of course I do. You’re always so sweet to me.”

  “Because I love you.” He pulled me against his body and we cuddled under the sheets.

  My head rested on his chest and I listened to his beating heart. It fluttered faintly, resonating at a steady cadence.

  His ringing cell phone ruined our comfortable silence.

  He growled then grabbed the phone from the nightstand. “It’s my dad.”

  “It might be important.”

  “My dad never has anything important to say.”

  “Then don’t answer it.”

  He stared at the phone with indecision in his eyes. Then he took the call. “It’s pretty late to call.”

  “Since when did eight o’ clock become late?” Mike’s voice could be heard over the phone. “Since you settled down with a special someone, maybe?” There was a teasing note to his voice.

  “Is there something you need?”

  “Actually, I’m calling for Lexie.”

  “Then call he
r phone.”

  “I don’t have her number.”

  “So you call my phone? Isn’t that a little rude?”

  “Can I just talk to her?” Mike said in irritation.

  “Why do you want to talk to my girlfriend?”

  “That’s between she and I.”

  Conrad released a sigh. “You better not be up to something bad.”

  “When have I ever been up to something bad?” he asked.

  Conrad didn’t bother responding. “Hold on.” He handed me the phone. “It’s for you.”

  I took it and tried not to grin too hard. “Hello?”

  “Hey, sweetheart. How are you?” He spoke to me like I was Trinity. “Good. You?”

  “I’m great,” he said. “You want to play tennis tomorrow after work?”

  “Sure,” I said. “I’m always down for a game of tennis.”

  “Great. I’ll see you there.”

  “Do you want to talk to Conrad again?”

  Conrad held out his hand to take the phone.

  “Nope,” Mike said. “Talk to you later.” He hung up.

  I handed the phone back and tried not to laugh.

  “He wants to play tennis with you tomorrow?” Conrad’s eyes were furrowed in irritation.

  “I guess.”

  “And he didn’t invite me?”

  “I don’t think so…”

  “Dick,” he mumbled.

  “I think it’s cute. It’ll be fun.”

  “Why couldn’t he invite both of us?”

  I shrugged. “Maybe he wants to spend time with me. Or, are you jealous?”

  “I’m not jealous. I see my dad all the time.”

  “Then there shouldn’t be a problem.”

  His eyebrows furrowed in annoyance.

  “I’m looking forward to it. I like spending time with your dad.”

  “He is pretty cool…”

  I rubbed his arm then kissed his shoulder.

  “What are your parents like?”

  Not as cool as his. “They’re okay. A little quiet and boring.”

  “That sounds nice,” he said with a chuckle. “When am I going to meet them?”

  “You want to meet them?” I asked in surprise.

  “I’m your boyfriend, aren’t I?”

  “Of course. I just…haven’t introduced anyone since Jared.” I didn’t want to relive that pain. My sister was always dubbed the pretty one in the family, and a part of me was scared the same thing would happen again. Conrad would be attracted to her and unable to resist her. My sister was flirtatious and it was easy for her to make guys fall in love with her. The image of Jared with my sister burned my eyes. If that image changed to Conrad it would hurt even more.

  “Well, set something up. I’d like to meet them.”

  “Uh…okay.” I had no intention of doing that. My family didn’t even know Conrad existed.

  “Maybe I’ll ask them to play tennis with me.”

  “They aren’t athletic.”

  “Then I’ll ask them to do something else.”

  “To get back at your dad?” I asked with a laugh. “I don’t think that would accomplish anything.”

  “Probably not,” he said. “But I’m crashing your tennis date. I’m not going to be left out.”

  “He just wants to spend time with me. Don’t interfere.”

  He sighed. “Fine. But I’ll be there when you guys are finished.”


  Mike and I played the match, and it was a close race. He was quick on the course despite his large size but I was faster. We hit the ball back and forth across the court. Eventually, I won the match.

  “Victory!” I raised my arms in the air and started dancing.

  Mike laughed as he wiped his face with a towel then came to my side of the court. “A well earned victory. Congratulations.”

  “It was pretty close. You’re a good opponent.”

  “Well, of course. And I’m a gentleman who let you win.”

  “Sure…” I nudged him in the side playfully.

  He threw the towel over his shoulder as he walked beside me toward the locker room. “Cassandra is making tacos for dinner. Want to come over?”

  How could I say no? “Should I invite Conrad?”

  “I’m sure he’ll invite himself,” he said with a light laugh. “You know how he is.”

  After we changed in the locker room we met outside on the sidewalk. Like a ghost, Conrad appeared out of thin air. “Did you guys have a good time?” He immediately moved toward me and circled my waist with his arm.

  “A great time,” MIKE said. “It’s nice having a competitive opponent.”

  Conrad ignored the subtle jab then kissed my forehead. “Did he drive you crazy?”


  “Are you just saying that because he can hear you?”

  “No,” I repeated. “Actually, he invited me to dinner.”

  “Did he?” Conrad turned back to his dad. “And do I get an invite?”

  “Why do you have to be so girly?” Mike asked. “If you want to come, just come.”

  “Why do you only want to hang out with my girlfriend and not me?” Conrad demanded.

  “Why do you care?” Mike countered. “You always talk about how annoying I am.”

  “I never said that,” Conrad said.

  Mike gave him a look that said, “Cut the shit.”

  “Okay, I might have said that…but I want to come.” Conrad pulled me closer into his side.

  “Then stop being a girl and shut up,” Mike said. “I’ll meet you there.” He headed up the sidewalk toward his car.

  I turned to Conrad when we were alone. “I can’t tell what you’re jealous of; your dad spending time with me or me spending time with him.”

  “Both.” He guided me to his car up the street.

  I grinned. “That’s cute.”

  “I just want to be involved.” He opened the passenger door for me and got me inside. Then he got into the driver’s seat beside me. He leaned over the center console then grabbed my face and turned it slightly. His eyes honed in on one ear. “They look great.”

  I held his gaze and felt the usual electricity course through my body. “Thanks.”

  With his hand still on my chin, he leaned in and gave me a slow and sensual kiss. It was meant to be a quick peck but it quickly became something more heated. Conrad’s hand moved to my thigh then slowly up my skirt. He sucked my bottom lip then moved his tongue against mine.

  My nipples hardened and I pressed my thighs tightly together as the burn spread through my body. Now I wanted to move to the backseat and get hot and heavy like last time.

  Conrad ended the kiss but kept his face close to mine. Judging the fire in his eyes, he wanted to move to the backseat as well. “That got out of hand quick…”


  “I’ll pull over somewhere on the way back from dinner. I know how much you love that backseat.”

  My cheeks flushed with heat.

  He returned his attention to the road and started to drive.

  I kept my thighs pressed together as I looked out the window. I tried to put the lustful thoughts from my mind so I wouldn’t be wet when we got to his parents house. That would be awkward. I wouldn’t be able to look them in the eye across the table.


  “Thank you for dinner,” I said. “It was great, Mrs. Preston.”

  She brushed off my words with a wave of her hand. “Call me Cassandra. And you’re very welcome.”

  Conrad rested his hand on my thigh all through dinner. He never took it away.

  “Now the best part.” Cassandra clapped her hands then left the room.

  Mike drank his wine and rested his elbows on the table.

  “What’s she doing?” Conrad asked.

  Mike shrugged. “I learned a long time ago not to question my wife.”

  Cassandra returned with a photo album and took the seat beside me. “Baby pictures!”

bsp; “Goddammit, Mom,” Conrad said with a sigh. “Put that away.”

  “I want to see.” I opened the folder.

  Conrad dropped the argument.

  Cassandra flipped the pages with excitement. “This is his first birthday party. Look how cute he was. He loved planes.” There were plane balloons everywhere, and a group of kids around him. I assumed it was the gang.

  Cassandra turned the page. “This is Conrad at little league. He loved baseball. He was the best on the team.”

  Conrad drank his wine and purposely looked straight ahead.

  “Bath time,” Cassandra said when she turned the page. “He loved his rubber ducky.”

  Conrad’s face tinted red.

  Mike tried not to laugh.

  Cassandra showed me every picture and gave me details for every memory. It was clear more people than just his parents loved Conrad. Trinity was in a lot of pictures too. I recognized her bright blonde hair.

  When the photo album was closed, Conrad finally relaxed. “Thank god that’s over.”

  Cassandra smiled then examined my face. Then her eyes narrowed on an object slightly to the right of me. “Oh my god, your earrings are beautiful.” She gently touched my lobe. “Where did you get them?”

  “Conrad got them for me, actually.” Did he want his parents to know that?

  Mike grinned from ear-to-ear. “Did he now?”

  “That was so sweet, Conrad,” Cassandra said. “They are gorgeous.”

  “And expensive,” Mike added.

  “I like spoiling her,” Conrad said. “Get off my back about it.”

  “I think it’s very sweet.” Cassandra patted his arm. “And romantic.”

  “Tiffany’s?” Mike asked.

  Conrad didn’t answer. “Catch the game last night?”

  Mike laughed. “He’s changing the subject.”

  “Leave him alone,” Cassandra said. “He’s happy.”

  Conrad leaned toward me. “Let’s get out of here before they take their annoying tendencies to a new level.”

  “They aren’t annoying.”

  “To you, maybe.” He pulled me from the chair. “Thanks for dinner. We’re out of here.”

  His parents walked us to the door.

  “Come over for dinner whenever you want.” Cassandra said as she hugged me tightly. “You’re always welcome here. We have so many more pictures of Conrad we can show you—”


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