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Just for You

Page 4

by E. L. Todd

  “Bye, Mom.” Conrad pulled me out of her embrace.

  Mike hugged me next. “Thank you for putting up with my son. I know he can be a handful.”

  Conrad sighed as he waited for us to finish.

  “He’s actually a sweet and sensitive sweetheart,” I said.

  Mike chuckled. “You don’t say? Now I have another reason to tease my son.”

  Conrad pulled me with him. “Let’s go before I murder both of them.”

  “Whoa, hold on.” Mike grabbed Conrad and pulled him into a hug. Cassandra moved into the embrace, making a group hug. Conrad’s parents both hugged him at the same time, and Mike’s arms encompassed all of them.

  It was such a moving sight.

  “I love you, sweetheart,” Cassandra said. “And we’re so happy for you.”

  “Love you too, Mom,” Conrad answered.

  “I love you, son.” Mike patted his back.

  “Love you too, Dad.” Conrad moved from their tangled arms. “Let’s go before they start crying.”

  “You guys are so cute,” I whispered.

  He rolled his eyes and grabbed my hand. “We’ll see you later. Good night and thanks for dinner.”

  “Good night,” his parents said together.

  Once we were in the car Conrad relaxed. “Sorry about that…they don’t get clingy like that often.”

  “It’s adorable.”

  He gave me an incredulous look. “You thought that was adorable?”

  “Yeah. Your parents love you so much. You’re very lucky, Conrad.”

  He bowed his head. “I know I am.”

  “My parents are fine but they’ve never been that affectionate with me.”

  “Consider yourself lucky,” he said with a weak laugh.

  “But I don’t.”

  He turned to me, affection in his eyes. “My parents have given my sister and I a life others are envy of. I noticed it since I was young. When I would return to school after the holidays, I would have so many new toys and clothes. A lot of the other kids only got a new backpack.” He shrugged. “It wasn’t just the materialistic things that made me fortunate. My dad came to every baseball game, every school function, and he taught me a lot. Not a lot of kids have intelligent parents. And I learned everything from the smartest and strongest man I’ve ever known.”

  I smiled when I looked at the vulnerability in his eyes. When we first got together he used to act like at tough guy that couldn’t stand his parents. He had an attitude and was standoffish. But now he was open and sensitive. It was a side that made me more attracted to him—physically and emotionally.

  “My dad got in a bad car accident a few years ago.” His voice cracked slightly, like it hurt his entire body just to speak the words. “Doctors said they weren’t sure if he was going to pull through. Everyone was so scared. I was terrified I was going to lose my dad. It made me realize how much I never appreciated him before.”

  My hand moved over his and I caressed his knuckles.

  “I do understand how lucky I am—even if I don’t always act like it.”

  I leaned across the center console and kissed the corner of his mouth. “And I’m lucky I get to have you.”

  His eyes burned into mine while he took in my features. There was love and affection, but there was also so much more. Conrad could explain his thoughts with just a simple look. Then a small grin stretched on his face. “So, you want to get fucked in that backseat now?” He started the car while looking at me.

  I crawled through the middle then sat in the back row. “I would love to.”

  Chapter Six


  Ward walked in after work and a paper bag was in his hand.

  I didn’t get up from the couch like I usually did. What was the point? My father hated me. My mother wouldn’t even talk to me. Cayson was surprisingly supportive. My life was a complete mess.

  “Darling, I got your favorite.” Ward sat beside me on the couch and pulled out a bowl of rocky road ice cream. “And I got the biggest size they had.”

  I tried to force a smile but it was difficult. “Thank you.” I took the cup from him but didn’t feel like eating it. My stomach was enormous. I could barely get up anymore. It blocked my entire path. Anytime I had to go up the stairs I dreaded it.

  Ward gave me a sad look. “Come on, darling. Don’t let this bring you down.”

  “How can I not?” I asked. “The baby is almost here and my parents won’t even speak to me. Do you think they’ll even come to the delivery?”

  “Yes,” he said immediately and without hesitation.

  “I don’t know.” I put the ice cream on the table and rested my hand on my stomach. “Everything has changed now, Ward.”

  His hand moved over mine on my stomach. “We’ll get through it. They are the ones acting like jerks, not you.”

  “They are?” I asked in surprise. “If I hadn’t stripped and dated a married man none of this would be happening. They have every right to be ashamed of me.”

  “You didn’t know he was married, Clementine. That doesn’t count.”

  “It was still stupid to date a guy who spends his time in strip clubs.”

  “Um, excuse me?” He gave me a teasing smile.

  “Uh, excuse me?” I pointed to my huge stomach. “This is your fault. Look what you’ve done.”

  He chuckled. “Sorry that I’m not sorry.” He rubbed his palm across my stomach. “I’m so excited for my son to get here and for us to have a little family. I’m glad I went to that strip club that night. It was where I found the love of my life.” Sincerity shined in his eyes.

  “Ward…” His words touched my heart.

  “Who cares what anyone thinks of you. Just know I think the world of you.”

  “I know you do,” I whispered.

  He leaned over my stomach and kissed me. “We’re having guests over tonight.”

  “We are?” Who’d want to spent time with us? “Who?”

  The knock on the door sounded.

  “That must be them.” He rose to his feet. “I’ll be right back.”

  “Ward, who is it?”

  Ward kept walking and disappeared on the other side of the house. Then he returned with two people in tow; Skye and Cayson.

  “Hey, sis.” Cayson approached the couch then hugged me. He eyed my bulging stomach. “You’re enormous—but in a good way. May I?” He raised his hand over my stomach.

  “Of course.”

  Cayson rested his hand on my stomach and concentrated, like he was trying to feel something.

  “He’ll only kick when he hears Ward’s voice,” I explained. “He loves his father.”

  Ward leaned over the back of the couch and pressed a kiss to my neck. “He loves his mama too.”

  “You’re glowing.” Skye put Monopoly on the table then sat beside Cayson. “You really do look beautiful.”

  It was the first time I’d seen Skye since those images flooded the servers. She obviously saw them but she had the grace not to mention it. “Thank you.”

  “She’s gorgeous,” Ward said from behind me. “I’d never seen her look so beautiful. I’m not looking forward to her not being pregnant anymore.”

  “I don’t see why,” I argued. “I’ll be skinny again.”

  “Trust me, this is so much hotter.” He grabbed a few beers from the kitchen then passed them to Cayson and Skye. “You guys ready to play?”

  “You mean, are you ready to lose?” Skye asked.

  Ward chuckled. “You talk the talk but can you walk the walk?”

  “Good one,” Cayson said sarcastically. He set up the board then distributed the money.

  I was too big to move around so I remained in my seat and allowed Ward to move my character.

  “Let’s do the quick edition of this,” Skye said. “Otherwise we’ll be here forever.”

  “Good idea,” Cayson said.

  We played for two hours, and Cayson ended up winning the game. He always won
the board games we played. Sometimes it was annoying but right now it was nice. Having them over like everything was the same was relaxing.

  “Have you decided on natural or C-section?” Skye asked.

  “Natural,” Ward said. “If it works out that way. Sometimes these things are out of our control.”

  “I just want him to get here,” I said. “I hope he looks just like Ward.”

  “Then he’s going to land a lot of tail when he hits puberty,” Ward said with a cocky grin.

  “So, everything is going well with the pregnancy?” Cayson asked.

  “The doctors said everything is fine,” I said. “I’m uncomfortable but that’s to be expected.”

  “It’ll be worth it,” Skye said. “You’re going to get something beautiful you’ll treasure forever.”

  “I know.” I smiled when I thought about it. I wanted to chase after my little boy as he ran around the house. I wanted to take him to the park and the zoo. There were so many things I wanted him to see.


  “Come on, darling.”

  I turned over and pulled the blankets to my shoulder. “No.”

  Ward moved behind me and tried to get the blankets down. “You’re so sexy.”

  “I’m a cow.”

  “A sexy cow.” A smile was in his voice.

  “I said no.”

  “Come on.” He grabbed my hip and gently shook me. “The baby is going to be here soon and I want to enjoy this as long as I can.”

  “I’ve never felt more hideous in my life.”

  “Knock it off,” he said. “I’m hard anytime I’m around you. I wish you could understand just how beautiful you look to me.”

  I remained in my spot and didn’t turn over.

  “See?” He pressed his erection against me. ”You think he’d be this big if he wasn’t attracted to you?”

  “Maybe he’s that big out of guilt.”

  “Definitely not.” He tried to turn me over. “Now come on. Let me make love to you.”

  I moved from his embrace. “No.”


  I knew he would never let this go. “Fine. But only if the lights are off and you keep your eyes closed.”

  “Where’s the fun in that?”

  “Those are my rules.”

  “Well, those rules are stupid,” he argued. “I want to look at you when I make love to you. That’s what makes it real.”


  He sighed. “Fine.” He turned off the lamp on the nightstand. “Lights are off and my eyes are closed. Now can we do this?”

  “Are your eyes really closed?” I turned over and looked at him.

  Ward sat up with closed eyes. “You tell me.”

  “Okay. Keep them that way.”

  Ward moved between my legs and leaned back on the balls of his feet. Then he inserted himself inside me, keeping his eyes closed.

  The moment I felt him I forgot all my insecurities. He always felt amazing when he was inside me. I could never get enough of him. He was so big and powerful. I knew thousands of girls would do anything to be me right now.

  Ward moved into me slowly, then he opened his eyes and stared at me.

  “You said you would keep your eyes closed.”

  “And miss this? No.” He leaned over and kissed my stomach before he pulled back and continued to move inside me. “You’re so beautiful. I want to make this last forever but I also want to come.” Sweat trickled down his chest as he rocked into me.

  I stared at his muscled chest and thin hips and felt my body tighten around him. Knowing he was restraining himself from releasing inside me made me want to explode. It was a turn-on.

  Ward released a moan when I constricted around his shaft. Then he tensed and released inside me as I had my climax. His fingers moved to my clitoris and he rubbed it aggressively as he pushed me over the edge. Knowing he was coming inside me at the same time only made it hotter.

  He finished then remained on top of me. He caught his breath while he looked down at me. Then he slowly pulled out of me before he lay down. “Don’t pull that stunt again. I won’t close my eyes. With you, I never want to miss a thing.”

  Chapter Seven


  When I woke up, Slade was underneath me. His facial hair rubbed against my cheek, and the prickly sensation was uncomfortable. Once we were home, I’d make him shave. A little facial hair was nice, but this was over the top.

  I stared at my husband and rejoiced in my victory. Slade had a good heart and I knew he was trying to do the right thing by leaving me. He wanted to be the best husband the world had ever seen, and when he failed he took it personally. But making love and connecting our souls reminded him that he couldn’t live without me even if he tried.

  My lips moved to his chest and I kissed the hard muscle underneath. I loved his body. He was thin and toned, and not a single layer of fat covered his body. Only the muscle was evident. He was tall, over six-feet, and he made me feel safe. I kissed his sternum then the area over his ribs.

  Slade stirred slightly and his eyes fluttered open. He looked at the ceiling as his eyes tried to focus. Then he turned to me and examined me. It seemed like he didn’t believe I was really there. He stared at me like I was a dream. Then reality flooded back to his mind.

  “Morning.” I kissed his neck then moved my lips passed his ear.

  Slade stiffened noticeably and he didn’t return the greeting.

  “Sleep well?”

  He turned his face away and didn’t look at me.

  “Slade?” I kissed the corner of his mouth.

  This time Slade left the bed entirely. He rose to his feet then pulled his clothes on in a rush.

  Now I was confused. “What are you doing?”

  “Last night shouldn’t have happened.” He pulled his t-shirt on. “I was weak and I’m sorry for that.”

  You’ve got to be kidding me. “Seriously, this is getting old.”

  He turned toward me, and now he looked angry. “Trinity, nothing has changed. I’m still a piece of shit. I proved it last night when I didn’t stop what was happening.”

  “You aren’t a piece of shit!” I wanted to break his neck.

  “While making love to you was amazing, it doesn’t change the situation. I don’t treat you right. I’ve never treated you right. And I’ll never treat you right.”

  “You’re being ridiculous.”

  He buttoned his pants then grabbed his phone and wallet.

  “It’s like you’re brainwashed.”

  “I have to go.” He didn’t look at me as he headed to the door.

  “This needs to stop, Slade. We’re married and we’re staying married.”

  He turned back to me before he walked out. “You think I don’t want to stay married? I do. Believe me, I hate this. But I love you more and I can’t continue to let you down like this.”

  “You aren’t letting me down.”

  He shook his head slightly then walked out. “I wish things were different.”


  “It’s like he’s brainwashed!” I ignored the burger and fries in front of me. “He has this stupid notion in his head that he’s not good enough for me. I wish he would just shut up and knock it off.”

  “Sleeping with him didn’t work?” Cayson asked as he ate his fries.

  “No.” I rested my face in my palms and sighed.

  “So, you just raped him?” Skye asked.

  “No. I undid his chains and it was mutual,” I said. “We went to sleep, and the next morning he was back to being a pain in the ass.”

  “Sorry,” Skye said quietly. “Hopefully, this phase will pass.”

  “Doubtful,” I mumbled.

  “Let’s think,” Cayson said. “Slade’s issue isn’t love or commitment. He wants to be with you. He just doesn’t think he deserves you.”

  “Redundant,” I said in an irritated voice. I knew I was lashing out at the people who cared about me but I was so upset that
I couldn’t control it.

  Cayson had the grace to let it go. “So, we need to do something to make him realize he deserves you.”

  “What?” Skye asked. “He’s already proven it. He just doesn’t see it.”

  Cayson sipped his soda while he thought to himself. “We need to stage something, like a rescue.”

  “A rescue?” I asked incredulously.

  “We need to put you in harm’s way, and Slade will save you. When he sees what he’s done, he’ll realize that he is worthy of you.”

  Skye’s eyes widened. “That sounds perfect.”

  “You think that would work?” I asked.

  “As long as he thinks he isn’t responsible for you being in danger to begin with,” Cayson said. “Otherwise, the whole thing will just backfire.”

  “If someone is hurting Trinity, Slade will kill them,” Skye said. “Like, actually kill them. This isn’t a good idea.”

  “Then we’ll have to put her in danger but not from another person,” Cayson said.

  “Like in an avalanche?” I asked incredulously.

  “No…” Cayson kept thinking. Then he snapped his fingers in excitement. “An elevator shaft.”

  “What?” Skye asked.

  “They have manual overdrives for the elevators,” Cayson said. “We can have a technician come and manipulate the one in your office. We can stage it to make it look like the elevator is about to fall. You’ll call Slade and he’ll get you out.”

  “That sounds elaborate,” Skye said.

  “Which is why Slade won’t think it’s staged,” Caysons said. “I think it’s perfect.”

  “But will I be in danger…?” I was willing to do anything to get Slade back—except actually risking my life.

  “No, not at all,” Cayson said. “I’ll arrange everything.”

  Skye sighed. “This should be good.”

  “We’ve got to get them back together,” Cayson said. “This has gone on long enough.”

  “I’ll do anything,” I admitted. “I’m desperate.”

  Chapter Eight


  It was another day at the shop—boring, empty, and meaningless.

  Trinity and I hadn’t spoken since we slept together. I didn’t call her, and as weak as it made me sounded I was devastated when she didn’t call me. I missed her so much. Of course I missed the sex and the connection we had. But I missed our relationship more. It was like I lost my best friend. There was no one to talk to about my day. There was no one to spoil.


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