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All The Befores

Page 12

by Samantha Chase

  “Mallory,” the pastor prompted.

  Colton looked over and saw the big smile on Mallory’s face and even if she didn’t utter a single word, he knew everyone in that room could tell how much she loved Jake.

  “If anyone would have told fourteen-year-old me that one day I’d be standing here marrying Jake Summerford, well…I would have believed them,” Mallory said with a sweet laugh. “I had no idea how that was going to happen, but in my heart, I always knew you were the one for me. I love the memories we’ve made and I look forward to all the ones still to come and I am so thankful that I finally get to be your wife. I love you.” She slid the ring onto Jake’s finger.


  Show time…

  “I remember the first time I came here to the house to do some work for Ezekiel. You came out to greet me and I swore I couldn’t breathe. You smiled at me as you walked down those front steps and I remember thinking ‘That’s her. She’s my forever.’” Smiling, he shook his head. “Of course, I was a little shy and more than a bit nervous to ask you out, but I’ve never been so glad for stepping out of my comfort zone. You are my hope, Susannah. You are everything that is good in the world and I am the luckiest man to be able to call you my wife.” He let out a shaky breath as he prepared to slide the ring onto her finger. “Everything that has ever happened to me before brought me here to you. I love you.”

  Susannah stared down at the ring on her finger and looked up at him with tears in her eyes.


  Squeezing his hands slightly, she smiled. “Colton Hale, there aren’t enough words to describe what you mean to me. I thought my life was all it was ever going to be – I had my children and a new business and I swore it was enough. Then you showed up here to do some work for my grandfather and for the first time in far too long, I knew I wanted something more. You have given me so much joy and love and laughter and so many things that I didn’t even believe I deserved. You are my everything and I thank you for not giving up on me.” She slid the ring onto his finger and smiled at him. “And I love you so much.”

  Colton wanted to pull her close and kiss her right in that moment but knew he had to wait for the pastor to tell them when.

  “It gives me great pleasure to pronounce you…man and wife,” he said to Jake and Mallory. “And…man and wife,” he said to Colton and Susannah. “Gentlemen, you may kiss your brides!”

  He moved in close and cupped Susannah’s face gently in his hands before claiming her lips. She tasted so sweet and she was so precious to him – he still couldn’t believe she was his.

  They did it.

  They were married.

  And he was more than ready for their happily ever after.

  They broke apart and rested their heads against each other. “You’re the most beautiful bride I’ve ever seen,” he whispered.

  Blushing, she said, “Thank you. And you’re the most handsome groom I’ve ever seen.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  She nodded.

  “Come on, you two!” Mallory cried. “We’ve got a party to start!” She and Jake made their way up the aisle.

  “You ready for this?” Susannah asked.

  “Sweetheart, I was ready the moment I first saw you. This is just the icing on the cake.” He kissed her again before securing her arm through his and walking with her up the aisle.

  To their party.

  To their future.


  Three months later…

  “This is amazing.”

  “It certainly is.”

  “I don’t think we’ll ever be able to top it.”

  “Well, that doesn’t mean we can’t try.”

  “We should make this an annual thing.”

  Laughing, Colton finished rubbing sunscreen onto his wife’s back. She had surprised him by wearing a bikini today and he didn’t want her getting a sunburn. They were finally on their honeymoon and he was determined to make it the best trip possible for her.

  “That could be arranged,” he finally agreed. “But considering neither of us has traveled much, maybe we should try some new places too.”

  Lying on her stomach on the lounge chair, she shook her head. “All I’m saying is why mess with perfection? St. Thomas is clearly a hit – our own private villa with a pool, the beautiful beach only a couple of yards away, and room service. I’m telling you – I’d sell the inn and move here if I could.”

  Stretching out on the lounge beside her, he shook his head. “Let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves. Just promise you’ll be open to vacationing in different places in the future. We can try a cruise, or maybe the Florida Keys, or even the West Coast or Mexico. Nothing too far away, but places neither of us have ever seen before. We can explore together.”

  Turning her head, she looked at him. “I like the sound of that.”

  “Me too.”

  She was silent for several minutes. “You know, for a while there I was upset that we had to wait to take this trip.”

  “Well, the inn has been booked almost every night since we opened. Then we had to hire a staff to help out and know they were competent enough to cover for you. We’re lucky we were even able to get away now.”

  “I know. And then I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to fully relax and enjoy myself but…I’m glad I was wrong.”

  Reaching over, he caressed her arm. “It’s a tough job keeping you distracted, but I think I’m pretty good at it.”

  “Colton Hale, you are absolutely the best at it. Trust me.”

  “So what should we do tonight? You want to go out to eat or have dinner brought here to the villa?”

  “Is it wrong that I want to eat in again? I find I’m really enjoying sitting out here by the pool by candlelight.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with that and you deserve to be pampered and waited on.”

  Susannah rolled onto her side so she could fully face him. “We’re not only on this trip for me. I want you to be able to do some of the things that you want.”

  “Sweetheart, being able to sit and relax with you has been a real treat. I think we both deserve some time to be a little lazy, don’t you think?”


  “You know we’re going to hit the ground running as soon as we get home. With Mallory finding out she’s pregnant and Sam and Shelby setting a wedding date, things are going to be crazy in the next several months. Soak up the peace and quiet now while we can.”

  “I have to admit, getting all of us back to Magnolia Sound was the best thing my grandfather ever did. It was like he knew it was where we would all find our happily ever afters.”

  It was hard not to agree. “Your grandfather was very astute and I’m forever thankful for him. I just wish he could have seen all the ways his gifts and his wisdom blessed this family.”

  “He knows,” she said softly. “And soon, another whole generation will be here to carry on the traditions he started.”

  “That’s what life is all about.”

  She smiled. “And I can’t wait for us to experience it all together – more weddings, grandbabies, all of it.”

  The thought of having all those things – things he never thought he’d have – were enough to choke him up. “And it’s all because of you,” he said gruffly. “I’m incredibly blessed and it’s all because you came into my life.”

  “We came into each other’s lives,” she corrected. “And all the befores, all our nows, and all our tomorrows…this life we have is precious and I never want us to take them for granted.”

  “Never,” he vowed as he leaned forward and kissed her. Slowly. Sweetly.

  When they broke apart, Susannah stood and looked around their private courtyard before giving him a sassy grin. “You know I never traveled before, right?”

  He nodded.

  “And you know I haven’t worn a bikini since high school…”

  Another nod.

  Reaching behind her, she tugged on t
he ties of the bikini top before taking it off completely. “I also never skinny dipped. Care to join me?”

  He almost fell and broke his leg in his haste to get up and whip off his shorts.

  Susannah breezed by him and dove gracefully into their pool. Her bikini bottoms landed at his feet a moment later.

  “Woman, you’re going to be the death of me,” he growled playfully, but still dove in after her.

  Hell, he’d follow her anywhere.

  Now and forever.

  Here’s a sneak peek at the next Magnolia Sound title

  * * *

  Courtney Baker is ready to put small town life—and the man she can’t have—behind her. Years of secretly crushing on her best friend’s older brother have led nowhere and she’s finally ready to move on. It would have been a great plan had she not drunkenly blurted out all her feelings and kissed him. At least she’ll be able to forget all about it when she leaves town in less than 48 hours.

  * * *

  It takes a lot to surprise Dean Jones, but a kiss from the girl he’s been secretly attracted to for years does just that. All it takes it one kiss for him to realize he doesn’t want to let her go. But she’s his sister’s best friend and that’s a line he knows he should never cross. Never mind that she seems determined to leave their small town—and him—behind.

  * * *

  When a storm and a broken car stop Courtney from leaving town, Dean sees perfect opportunity to get her out of his system. But can one night ever be enough?

  Chapter 1

  “You know it’s not going to be so bad.”

  “Yes, it is and you’re the worst best friend ever.”

  Rolling her eyes, Courtney Baker leaned over and rested her head on her best friend Scarlett’s shoulder. “I think the pregnancy hormones are making you more and more ridiculous every day. When is this baby coming?”

  Sighing, Scarlett replied, “Not soon enough. We’ve got another ten weeks.”

  “Ugh, poor Mason.”

  Shoving her away, Scarlett cried, “Poor Mason? How about poor me? I’m the one whose emotions are all over the damn place! I swear, I cry at the drop of a hat!”

  “You’ve been doing that practically since this baby was conceived. We’re all used it by now.”

  “Well I’m not and the fact that you’re moving so far away isn’t helping.”

  Yeah, she knew this was going to be an issue–particularly the timing–but Courtney knew if she didn’t do this now, she never would.

  “Scar, we’ve been talking about this for months now. You know it’s something I have to do.”

  “Oh, please. You’ve been threatening to move for years! Why did you wait until I was about to have a baby to do it? And you know you don’t have to move right now. You don’t have a job waiting for you, so what’s the rush? Can’t you wait until after my little peanut is born?”

  “I thought we were calling him a bean?”

  “And I thought I told you that no one knows the sex of the baby yet so ixnay-on-the-him-ay.”

  “We’ve got to get this baby out of you,” Courtney said blandly. “It’s like I don’t even know who you are anymore. No one says ixnay at our age so…stop that.”

  And then the worst thing happened.

  Scarlett started to cry.

  Like…ugly cry.

  “Oh, God…oh, no…just…I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to upset you!” She muttered a curse and reached across the table for a napkin and quickly began wiping her friend’s face. “Dammit, you have got to stop being so sensitive!”

  No sooner were the words out of her mouth than Mason, Scarlett’s fiancé, was right there beside them, his attention fully on Scarlett. “Hey,” he said softly, “What’s going on? There’s no crying tonight. It’s our wedding rehearsal party and only smiling is allowed.” He kissed the tip of her nose before looking over at Courtney. “Everything okay here?”

  “She’s upset over the move again.”

  “Ah. Well, you have to admit, the timing’s not the greatest,” he replied.

  “I know, but…for me, this is the way it has to be and she’s going to have to understand. It’s not my fault that Dr. Curtis had to retire abruptly and there are no other dental practices local who are hiring. I need to work, Mason.”

  He gave her a patient smile. “I know, but you have to understand how hard this is on Scarlett. The wedding’s tomorrow, the house we’re building is behind schedule, and the pregnancy’s really kicking her butt…”

  “I am right here,” Scarlett interrupted, looking first at Mason and then to Courtney. “You know you don’t have to move so far away to find a job, Court, and it’s not like you have to find something right this second. Why not take a couple of weeks and look some more?”

  With a weary sigh, she looked at Mason and said, “Can you…give us a minute?”

  Nodding, he kissed Scarlett before standing and walking away.

  “What’s so secretive that you can’t say it in front of Mason? You know I’m just going to tell him whatever it is later, right?”

  “And that’s fine, but…” She groaned. “Okay, here it is. You know how my folks have always been into paranormal hunting?”


  Another sigh. “Well…they’ve both taken some extended vacation time to go on some sort of cross-country trip with a group they belong to.”

  “O-kay. I still don’t see what this has to do with you moving away though.”

  “When I lost my job and realized the best thing for me to do was move, they decided to list the house as an Airbnb for the time they’re away as a source of income.”

  “What? But…”

  “That means I don’t have a place to live for the next three months. They leave on Monday which is when I need to be out as well.”

  “Is that all?” Scarlett said, suddenly all smiles.

  “Uh, yeah. It’s kind of a big deal. I’m going to be homeless on top of already being jobless, sooo…”

  “So stay at my place! You know we haven’t decided what to do with it yet and it’s just been sitting vacant for months! This is perfect! Now you can stay and…”

  Courtney held up a hand to stop her. “Scar, I appreciate the offer, but I can’t do it. I really…” She looked around the room and spotted one of the main reasons she was opting to move away. Forcing her attention back to Scarlett, she continued. “It’s just time for me to have a fresh start someplace that isn’t Magnolia Sound. I can’t do small town life anymore. I just can’t.”

  Tears began to well up again in Scarlett’s eyes but Courtney wasn’t having it.

  “And you cannot keep crying to get your way,” she said with a small laugh. Jumping to her feet, she looked down at her friend and grinned. “This is going to be a good thing for me and you should be happy! Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to grab a glass of wine.”

  Walking across the room, Courtney smiled and waved to people she knew but did her best to get to the bar as quickly as possible. Once there, she smiled at the bartender. “Moscato, please.” Once she had her glass in hand, she thanked him and walked out onto the back deck of the Magnolia on the Sound–the new B&B that Mason’s aunt owned. The house was over a hundred years old and recently renovated and it was quite possibly the most magnificent house she’d ever been in.

  The weather was a little cool and she wished she had grabbed a sweater, but…it was peaceful outside and the perfect spot for a little quiet reflection.

  Leaning on the railing, she looked out at the Sound as she sipped her wine. She’d never admit it to anyone, but she really loved it here. Not the B&B–although it was beautiful–but the small coastal town where she’d lived her whole life. She loved the beach and her friends and family, but…nothing was happening for her here. Not only was her job gone, but she hadn’t had a date in months and the men she did want to date–or rather, the man she wanted to date–was off limits.

  And it sucked.

  If it weren’t for the
fact that the dentist she was working for had to retire immediately therefore leaving her unemployed, she probably wouldn’t have opted to move away. But considering the downward spiral her life was currently in, it seemed only logical to pick up and move someplace new and start over.

  But yeah, the timing did suck.

  She wanted to see Scarlett get married and luckily she was, but the thought of not being here when her best friend had her baby was a little harder to deal with. They had always talked about having their kids close together and hoping they’d be best friends too.

  Hard to happen when no man has even attempted to touch me in almost six months…

  That depressing thought had her taking a long drink of her wine and was thankful no one was there to witness her practically guzzling the whole thing down.

  “Hey, Court.”

  Or so she thought.

  Turning, she saw Scarlett’s brother Kyle walking her way. He was super sweet, a total flirt, and completely harmless. There was zero attraction between the two of them and she considered him to be a good friend.

  “Hey, yourself. Having fun?”

  Standing beside her, he leaned against the railing as well and stared out at the beach. “I know this is just supposed to be a casual dinner after the whole wedding rehearsal, but I swear Mason’s mother has me feeling like I’m a kid trying to sneak a spot at the grownup table.” Chuckling, he shook his head. “You know my family’s not fancy like the Bishops. This just all feels a little weird. Why couldn’t we just have a cookout in the backyard at home or something?”


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