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The Book of Daniel and the Mystery of the Resurrection Machine

Page 33

by Holloway, Daniel;

  The Great Dragon of the Bible: Though the constellation of Draco was a random pattern of stars, its location in the heavens perfectly aligned with the Earth’s tilted axis. Thus we attached the image of a dragon or serpent by which to symbolize the deceiving force that closed the portal. It was this dark force that altered the God conciousness into that of man (see Romans 1:21-23).

  Next: At the center of the Earth’s rotation is an imaginary pole or axis that once pointed directly to the constellation known as Draco the dragon. This is the sinister serpent of biblical-lore and thus the villain of the scriptures. However, the constellation itself was only a visual pointer by which we tracked the position of the Earth’s axis. So while the stars themselves were a random pattern, their position in the sky marked a key location in our science.

  Likewise, we used Draco’s image within the Grid System and then personified him within the scriptures as “Satan,” who now entwined and manipulated Earth’s axis through its magnetic field. Satan’s dark energy is as the serpent itself: quiet and unsuspecting, a subtle lie about the very reality in which we live. Thus these metaphors gave us a means by which to symbolize the scientific facts.

  Hydra to the Greeks, Bel to the Babylonians, Leviathan to the Israelites, Kukulcan to the Mayans, and even the Chinese Loong—the dragon/serpent is still recognized around the world today. Basically, if you see a dragon or serpent in any ancient iconography, whether it be a pyramid, temple, drawing or scripture, then you can bet that we, the magistrates, developed that religious practice. See if you can decode the symbolism of the ancient imagery we made.

  But there were often dual serpents in our mythologies, only one of which was evil. The other was the white serpent of my dreams many years before. This is the wave pattern of God and it is He who is soon to return. When He does, it is He who will fight and defeat, once and for all, the lie that has us. And so the real battle of Armageddon begins within our minds. This is the contest for your soul. Your mind must reconfigure to what it once was. You are not human; you are part of the God consciousness and this is the real secret of the ancients.

  “Moses made a serpent of brass, and put it upon a pole” Numbers. 21:9

  Ancient Bible-Imagery of a Serpent Entwining Earth’s Axis and Polarity and Thus Its Ionic Bands. Here we displayed pictorially how the satanic mind is attached to Earth’s magnetic structure as it passes through and entwines its axis. Likewise, this dark element is contained within the colors of the brass and black anti aurora, hence the serpent on a brass pole. Though the literal story was a façade, the science was there; you just have to know that for which you are looking.

  Ancient China: Dragons Changing the Tilt of the Globe.

  Ancient India: The famed “Vault B” at the Padmanabhaswamy Temple. The entwining serpents on the doors were the theme by which we described Earth’s polarity. The vault is said to contain seven blond haired, fair-complected mummies. Reminder, the Indian people don’t have blond hair. The mummies were magi priests.

  Ancient Tiwanaku in Bolivia: The twin energies of polarity are represented on the Sun Gate at Tiwanaku. Entwined within these charges are the elements of faith and darkness. One serpent represents the positive Element from the higher dimension (right hand), the other, Satan’s transmutated negative ground (left hand). The engineers of these far away temples were the white-eyed magi who themselves still contained the dimensional charge of God.

  Ancient Mayan: El Castillo in Mexico: The shadow trick of the descending serpents occurs only during the two yearly equinoxes, thus revealing how the God Element enters via a pyramid portal during those times. Likewise, the white serpent of my dreams was symbolic of the coming return of this divine mind wave, aka the mighty Atomos.

  This pyramid is also offset from true cardinal alignment by 22.30°, thus revealing the secret of the minimal Earth tilt angle required for perpetual portal function. We are presently at 23.44° and decreasing as a result of the wave-pattern technology of the scriptures. It’s working as intended.

  Ancient Native American: the Symbolism of the Ancient Egg. Similar to the Greek Orphic egg and serpent, the serpent mound in Ohio also displays how the wave pattern of the dark element “swallowed,” or rather possessed Earth’s magnetosphere. This fallen element emits a specific mental frequency that we personified via the serpent’s form, the science perfectly embodied within its subtle curves. Yes, the magi were in North America.

  If one were to isolate the dark element and then greatly magnify its volume, it emanates a nonstop static or hissing that is eerily reminiscent of an angry cobra. Though the Wisdom Wheel duly noted the sound of the satanic frequency within the scriptures, we at times could hear it while sitting quietly within a pyramid. Occasionally a magnetic concentration would impact these structures and when they did, the noise was plainly audible:

  “…an astonishment, an hissing, and a curse; as it is this day;” Jeremiah 25:18

  “…their land desolate, and a perpetual hissing;” Jeremiah 18:16

  “…he hath delivered them to trouble and to hissing,” 2 Chronicles 29:8

  Yet the God Element also makes a sound when in concentration. It too is a static noise but rather resembles the constant soft patter of a spring rain on your roof while you sleep. More often than not, this pleasant resonance was also audible within the pyramids during the equinoxes and never grew old to hear. With it came an exhilarating mental rejuvenation.

  Likewise, as the portal opens in earnest, you too will hear this sound, its volume so great that you won’t need a pyramid to recognize it. In its company will be the beauty of the Super-Aurora, or cloud spoken of in the Bible. Though the following verses are descriptive of Wisdom Wheel imagery, they also elude to a natural phenomenon that occurs during an open portal:

  “As the appearance of the bow (colors) that is in the cloud (Super Aurora) in the day of rain, (day of resurrection)” Ezekiel 1:28

  “…rejoice in the LORD your God …and he will cause to come down for you the rain, the former rain (prior volume as before), and the latter rain (plus the extra volume of the new improved portal)” Joel 2:23

  “Ask of the LORD rain in the time of the latter rain (day of resurrection); so the LORD shall make bright clouds…” Zechariah 10:1

  “God did good, and gave us rain (new Atomos) from heaven” Acts 14:17

  Good Grid/Bad Grid

  Though the fall itself occurred long before the scriptures were written, the Wisdom Wheel created a backlog of information by which to record that incident of prehistory. Likewise, the scientific facts of the fall were embodied and encoded within the serpent lore and imagery we created. Thus even the grid type we used to portray the constellation of Draco was itself darkened from the multitude of line data inherent to its design.

  This grid’s multitude of circles and lines were actually used as part of a necessary time-keeping function, yet ironically also created the image of a closed portal. How fitting that it would also embody the constellation of Draco at its center, thus revealing pictorially how the evil spirit is responsible for having tilted Earth. We called this structure/grid the Hebrew Mazzaroth.

  There were good grids too however, the “priest’s grid” aka the “Paradise Grid”, being mostly invisible or clear, which in turn produced the image of an open portal. This of course was the job of our priestly caste: to make the portal open, to create a way out of this fallen realm for the God Element, the Atomos that dwells within you. Wetook this task to heart, not only for ourselves, but for you as well. What we did, we did for the good of all.

  The images of the grids will always attest to the scientific fact: Both angelic elements were represented in our grid designs. The Paradise Grid that was inside the Temple represented clarity, eternity and an open-portal. The other grid, Draco, represents a calculating mind, complexity and brings a broken bridge with it, the treachery of time and darkness of mind. Can you see why we symbolized Draco’s grid as a spider’s web in the scriptures?

  So wha
t began as a pure set of images that portrayed the Paradise Alignment of Earth would eventually morph into a darker design that we also used in the Grid System. As well there is a direct correlation between each grid design and the minds they represent. As you can see, one grid is clear while the other gives a solid appearance, similar to the melding when our spirit became flesh. For our artisans in the Temple of Jerusalem, the dark excess line data of the Mazzaroth was used to create over 50percent of the total Bible images.

  But remember, even though we expressed these truths symbolically within the Bible, do not underestimate their reality and scientific backbone within your consciousness. Indeed its dark mental frequency creates its very own imagination that has captured your vision and erased your memory. It is not just a story; it is not for entertainment. The satanic mind is real and it is inside you trying to prevent your recollection of the dimension from which you came.

  Satan, as the Word labeled the dark element, was himself a dupe—yes, the mind of all mankind. His temptations are obvious in that they always pose a question. That’s how we recognize his voice within and so can you—by the questions. You see, it was not the solution that he offered but to draw us away by need. It was the opposite of faith, which was a frequency of supply, not need.

  That’s how you recognize him in you—and in your humanity. In the dark element there will always be a need, always questions and certainly a draw to the things of this world. Need equates to death. No-need equates to life. Only the human is a creature of need. Angels have no need, yet they do desire to go home.

  Images of Our Enemy

  The Terrible, Terrible, Beast Within

  This is the story of every angel’s enemy: the great beast of iron and brass within your mind and magnetosphere. He is deadly with what he has done and what he is prepared to do. Don’t take this information lightly, as it is concerns your own eternal state of mind. The beauty of the Bible is that it survived to outline in detail what has happened and what must happen in you to defeat this ancient villain. He too is real. He too must be destroyed.

  Hereafter is an array of verses that portray the dark element’s involvement in the science of the magi. As well are other examples from both the Greek and Hindu traditions that further display this knowledge across every ancient culture. Not only are the images entertaining, but they also display the threat with which we are all faced. You must make the connection between our symbolism and its reality within. This information was produced to help you do exactly that.

  So now I will reveal these image sheets of Satan and how they connect to the Grid System science.

  The Crooked Serpent


  “In that day the LORD with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent; and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea.” (i.e., waters of the night sky) Isaiah 27:1

  Draco was one-crooked serpent: In fact, his constellation has five complete twists as it encompasses the center of the zodiac. As you may have guessed, there were 12 such serpents/dragons mentioned in the Bible, each symbolically connecting Draco to the 12 signs. One of these in the Jewish tradition was called the “Leviathan” and was detailed within the scriptures.

  In the Mayan culture of ancient Meso America, Draco was also known as the “feathered serpent,” not dissimilar to the “scales” mentioned in the book of Job. Both the feathers and the scales were pictorial, that is, drawn from the multitude of lines from the Grid System that overlaid the constellation image.

  Serpent Handling


  “And these signs shall follow them that believe; in my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and it shall not hurt them;” Mark 16:17-18

  The image behind the verse: This easy-to-see portrayal shows the alignment of Draco and the figurines that led to the seemingly literal verse of Mark 16:18. The fact that the Word spelled the verse and described the image is truly miraculous. Figuratively speaking, when the Earth’s wobble ceases, the negative mental forces will be contained as the portal begins to function, hence the symbolism of “handling” or containing serpents—not real serpents, but the big one in the sky that symbolizes Earth’s off-kilter predicament. According to your choice, these changes will also be felt within your consciousness. Some truly strange things are about to happen.

  The False-Imagery that People Believed

  What humans believed—and, yes, they get bitten and die frequently. The Word set this embarrassing-trap for the mind of man so that in this day the angelic element would finally believe beyond the human application of reality. The magi didn’t care that humans died believing such things, but only that the God Source within would finally awaken from its delusion of being mortal. Hang on to your seat Dorothy, because reality as you know it is about to go bye-bye.

  Incidentally, Draco was located at the center of each and every zodiac grid and hence aligned with the hands, heads, and feet of the figurines. This created a multitude of pictorials, including serpent handling, deadly drink, treading upon serpents, etc.

  “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” Luke 10:19

  Treading on Draco and Scorpio: This is accomplished with the left foot of the Jesus figurine. The timeline in which the satanic influence is tamed comes at the beginning of the Age of Aquarius.

  “And when Paul had gathered a bundle of sticks, and laid them on the fire, there came a viper out of the heat, and fastened on his hand.” Acts 28:3

  The Real Apostle Paul: The bundle of grid lines, or “sticks,” is plainly obvious in the image as well as the sun or “fire,” from which Draco bit the figurine. From beginning to end, every image of the scriptures came from the Grid System.

  “I will put enmity between thee (the serpent) and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.” Genesis 3:15

  The Origin of Medusa as well as Genesis 3:15: The difference between the Jewish and Greek magic was only in the geocentric, outer stories they told. Meanwhile, the images and science from which they came were nearly identical. The differences began with their input-primers which included latitude, longitude, and the name of each location that was configured into the Wisdom Wheels.

  In context, we can plainly see the basis for both the Greek and Jewish stories: Medusa with the “hair of serpents” as well as the “bruising of the head” in the book of Genesis. It was the same magic Word made by the same cadre of magi but from two different countries.

  For a moment I want you to test your own imagination. Below are two verses that can be imagined using your knowledge of the sacred art. As always, the images are there within the grids. I will tell you, however, that the “poison of asps” represents the false wave pattern or word that gives us the deadly illusion and imagination of the human:

  “Their wine is the poison of dragons, and the cruel venom of asps.” Deuteronomy 32:33

  “Their throat is an open sepulcher; with their tongues they have used deceit; the poison of asps is under their lips:” Romans 3:13

  Other forming code-words of the image are as follows:

  • Asp—symbolic name of a specific house of the zodiac using a Draco grids series

  • Wine—symbolic word for one of the four large rings of the Wisdom Wheel.

  • Poison—the resulting false wave pattern or imagination of the epic being described, which is further outlined by the chapter and verse number (Please note their mathematical similarities.)

  • Dragon—one of six root locations of the Draco grid in the grid system.

  Now that you understand the grids from which these verses were created, hopefully you can see the absurdity of drinking poison, handling or walking on serpents, and/or walking on scorpions. It seems a cruel joke that we allowed this to continue
for millennia, but it was a necessary stunt so that the angelic consciousness in you could finally realize, in this day, the futility of remaining human. The scriptures’ evil portrayal of Draco was only a simplistic way of describing a complex science that humans could not understand.

  Healing the physical body, handling serpents, drinking poison and walking on scorpions have nothing to do with our angelic destiny and we knew it; however, humans needed something to which they could relate, while the priesthood needed a code to cover their magic spell. The end result is that we used humans to read our scriptures, to chant en masse our wave patterns that would return us to the dimension from which we came.

  Ironically, the very thing that causes one to believe these verses by the flesh is in fact the fallen mind itself. It has enslaved our imagination for eons by deceiving your consciousness into believing the human reality. You must die to this mentally and awake as the angels you truly are.

  • Lesson #1: Ancient scriptures are not referring to your humanity.

  • Lesson #2: Angels are smarter than humans—as so-long as you aren’t taking your identity as a human, then this shouldn’t offend you.

  • Lesson #3: Good Angels are ultimately smarter than dark angels, which is how we tricked them, in you, to believe the lie of the outer scriptures while yet reciting our magic spell that in turn will resurrect us, as the new you, back into the higher dimension. (Please refer back to lesson #2.)


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