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The Book of Daniel and the Mystery of the Resurrection Machine

Page 34

by Holloway, Daniel;

  The Children and the Serpent


  “And the sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice’ den.” Isaiah 11:8 Undeniable!

  Here we have a taming of the dark element. As the Earth’s wobble and tilt return to the Paradise Alignment, the influence will be brought into obedience—thus its harmless effects on the still developing mind of the God-Element as it awakens. Please don’t put a real infant on a serpent den.

  The Devil as a Lion


  “Thou shalt tread upon the lion and the adder; the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under foot Psalms 91:13

  Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about, seeking whom he may devour:” 1Peter 5:8

  Here we see the overlay of the constellations of Leo and Draco bringing pictorial logic to the verses. They are obviously the only realistic way anyone would attempt treading on lions or adders. The young lion is not pictured here but was the constellation of Leo Minor. The treading of the lion marks the end of Daniel in the lion’s den, and the loosening of the words of the books. It is time.

  The Age of Leo: Part dragon and part lion, the Fu dog represents the timeline of the fall over 1,335,000 years ago in a distant age of Leo. Image left: In this we see the overwhelming control of the dark-element over the earth. Image right: The smaller lion under the paw of the evil-one is the lesser quantum of the God Element that refused to yield to the satanic mind. This element was symbolized in the Bible as Daniel in the lion’s den. Guess who designed these lions of the orient?

  The Serpent of the Garden of Eden


  “Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, ye shall not eat of every tree in the garden?”

  “And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof and did eat, and gave also to her husband with her and he did eat.” Genesis 3:1-6


  The Dark Energy of Satan: Though upside down, this image is the proper perspective of Adam and Eve as they ate the forbidden fig or symbolic fruit of this dark world. The Earth’s increasing wobble, represented by Draco, first disrupted the moon’s orbit (Eve), which in turn tilted the Earth from a true solar orbit (Adam). Both orbits went astray in the day of the fall, thus closing the portal and entrapping some God Element in this world. The innermost white and black bands of the Wisdom Wheel were swapped before the stories of Jesus and represent the control that the dark energy has over the Earth’s axil alignment. Its “fruit” produces our fallen-imagination and loss of memory. It was the fig, not the apple that symbolized the grids.

  As you may have guessed, the serpent of Eden was our old friend Draco. As this concerns the pictorial alignments, you can see how at one point Eve’s hand aligns with the serpent as well as the round circle or “hub fruit” of the attached grid. Later, as Eve’s figurine is moved, she hands that fruit to her husband, Adam. It was “grid fruit” —that’s all.

  On a deeper level, however, this encoded story is recording the Earth’s wobble in conjunction to its rotation, thus symbolizing the interaction and timeline of both the dark and light forces that were in play at that time. Before Earth began its death-knell of misalignment, its axis pointed much closer to the constellation of Draco. Now, however, the alignment that once provided an open portal is moving the Earth’s axis by 24°. There is far more math involved, of course, but this is the simplest explanation.

  The story also tells us of the quantum of the God Element that fell asleep into the human when the portal closed. We distributed this Element into the creature as well, knowing full well that it would be overwhelmed with the lie. Yet we subjected it to this vanity, not willingly, but in hope. We needed a mouthpiece and set about to create it. Yet in this process the creature itself would one day be delivered from that bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. It was our only means of escape.

  At the time of the fall, not even the Element cared less about a group of random stars and whether or not they resembled a snake. However those same stars acted as a pointer by which the magi would later back track the position of the earth within the scripture code. What’s more, since the Word labeled that point in space as a “dragon/serpent,” we took it from there, connected the stars, and, abracadabra, you now have the constellation of Draco. That really is how it happened.

  Likewise, by using the serpent/dragon symbolism in the Bible, it allowed us to safely encode our scientific data in a way that also afforded the control mechanism of a nice scary monster. Fear kept our cultures obedient. Now that we can understand the real truth, however, it’s an even greater incentive to get right with God. Trust me; you don’t want to be on the wrong side of the resurrection machine.

  It may seem like graduating from kindergarten to college in our comprehension of the divine, but it had to happen sooner or later. Actually, it is simple; we wanted to go home and created the divine magic that we so desperately hoped would take us back some day. It’s not complicated. Unlike the ruse of endless sacraments, rites, and terminology by which we occupied humanity, what I’m showing you is simple. It’s just that it’s all so new; but unlike the muddle of the myth, this is actually the truth.

  The False-Imagery Humanity Believed

  Both the Greek and Hebrew myths alluded that the fruit of these trees produced a superior mind, wisdom, or life. The destruction of the portal happened at the hand of the dark element, which tilted Earth’s axis through magnetic manipulation. Thus came the fall of the solar orbit (Adam) and the lunar orbit (Eve), both now visibly tilted. The fruit of the satanic element was his own invention of pursuing an independent life from the Source. This fruit of darkness can only bring the death of being human.

  Hinduism and Draco


  Hinduism and the Serpent: The relevance of the 7 or 24 peripheral-grids are plainly obvious within the serpent count of Hindu mythology. The science we created was above what ancient cultures could comprehend, yet these symbolic-images awed and inspired them to obedience through fear and yet symbolized the Grid System.

  Try to comprehend that the same basic information was developed from similar grid systems yet represented under different national myths. Though each fable catered to its own local culture, the common threads are there. The serpents were always relative to the math of the grid system regardless of the outer religion or where across the globe they appeared.

  Unfortunately, many religious scholars today blindly teach that any similarity between the Bible and its Greek, Babylonian, Hindu, or Chinese counterpart is purely coincidental, often claiming that the latter were only cheap, imitations of Bible stories. The fact is, however, that the bulk of Greek, Sumerian, and Hindu stories were written several hundred years before their Jewish or Christian counterparts. It was the same magi writing the same basic stories, just under different national titles.

  The overriding point here is that you see past the outer imagery we gave. I refer to the history story and the geocentric gods therein. Instead, know that there is one true God who is reserved unto the coming age. The real story was concealed within the hidden wisdom of those same books, awaiting the day in which we could understand on a deeper level both the problem and the solution to our dimensional blindness.



  “And certain women, who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities: Mary called Magdalene, out of who went seven demons;” Luke 8:2

  “When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he returns with himself and seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there:” Matthew 12:43-45

  The Real Mary Magdalene and Her Seven Evil Spirits of Draco: as always, an image and alignment of the grids. It was not a history story.

  The pattern of seven evil spirits in the scriptures is no coincidence. As you can see, the seven peripheral grids each contain a representation of Draco at their center. When superimposed across the star known as Mary Magdalene, for example, these seven “demons” are easily revealed as the culprits in question. But then again, Mary Magdalene was never a real person but a figurine of the Grid System. Accordingly, all biblical references to demon-possession were envisioned from similar alignments.

  Yet demon possession is a very real facet of the human psyche. Within the very cogs of your consciousness, the dark angel vies for control of every last man, woman and child on Earth. They are in us all, in our consciousness, in our thoughts, fighting against the Atomos. Therein are two imaginations: (1) one that is dark and tells you a great shining lie, that you are human and that this life is who you are. (2) We too are there, the magi and the mind of God, giving you a new imagination, a new identity, and the hope of another world. You must choose which reality you want: the temporal loop or the eternal—choose wisely.

  I didn’t mean to make it sound as though Satan was a mere scientific-anomaly. No, indeed, it is just as real as the mind from Heaven. Be sure of this: that his wicked wave patterns manifest as voices within our heads. There, I said it. You see, those “crazies” who hear voices may not all be as crazy as you think. Let’s be honest; at least they admit to what they hear. To be quite frank, those who don’t hear are often either lying, or spiritually asleep, or will indeed hear voices before much longer. They come as mere suggestions, thoughts, and contemplations. It is often the inner-dialog of this world. Besides, who were you talking to last time you had a conversation with yourself?

  Typically one will have an easier time of it by simply fitting into the ways of the world. “Fitting in” feels good, and Satan will do whatever he can to assure this. In fact, the dark element takes solitude in one’s love for this world. Perhaps you know the type, those who seemingly have all their ducks in a row, those who have their yard trimmed nice and neat, along with a perfectly clean house and car.

  They have all the right friends of course; they look good, dress well, and have few problems of which to speak. They live in the proverbial groundhog day of saying, having, and doing all the right things. Thus where our focus is, so too is the heart—the telltale signs readily seen in our lifestyles.

  Indeed we sleep in our illusions of reality. However, Satan also senses the God Element within us and does what it can to suppress its voice. It destroys as best it can the awakening process. It tells us awful, terrible things. It feeds us malicious accusations, often in our dreams but also while awake. It breeds discontent when we drive, when we wait in line, at work, and in our relationships. It builds cases against everyone and everything. It comes across as our “own” thoughts, but they are not; they are his. It does what it can to get us back in line with a love for this world, yet that too is now beginning to fail.

  These wicked wave patterns invade every thought, bringing insecurity and reactions. So while a seemingly docile old lady may deny all knowledge of what I speak, the manipulation and controls she uses within her own cliques and circles are evidence that evil can guide the seemingly unsuspecting as well. Truly the voice of the dark element is everywhere and in everyone. These voices give hard speeches; they are murmurers, complainers, and speak great swelling words. They are real.

  However, comprehending that you aren’t crazy for hearing these voices is, in itself, a step toward containing their evil effects. In fact, there is much to say about handling the dark energy, though I hesitate to delve too deeply. To do so steps into a deadly serious skill-set of the magi; something that, again, isn’t just an interesting read yet is part of the weaponry you will need in this age. I will tell you what I can.

  The science is there, of course, and begins by understanding the ions, both negative and positive, that comprise the magnetic structure around us. I should clarify that negative ions and the dark element, though bonded together, are not the same thing, yet they work in unison as part of the human deception.

  It is a scientific fact that dark ions support good feelings in the human while positive ions bring all sorts of physical issues. That said, the dark element, aka, Satan, uses the “feel good” aspects of the negative ions to further his lie about reality. Feeling good about being a human is in fact the problem. It is the very thing that keeps us from believing beyond this reality and hence supports the false imagination that the dark element imposes upon us.

  Scientists tend to argue that an excess buildup of positive-ions causes road rage, mass shootings, etc., but I would contend that it is the greater energy level of the positive ions that allow for improved illumination and imagination. While negative ions bring comfort to the mind of this world, they also harbor a violent reaction to anything that rocks its own little world. Likewise, the lower energy levels of the negative ions bring about a lazy or “slothful mind” as we alluded to in the Bible (see Proverbs 21:25).

  The good news is that the imagination that accompanies the opening of the portal will increasingly disrupt this blissful ignorance. It is a war of imaginations, mental wave patterns and realities in which we may all, at times, seem to be losing our minds. The conflict between the two and the resulting discomfort will indeed drive many to their wit’s end.

  Ultimately, however, know that only the open portal and an awakening of the God Element can ready us for reentry into the dimension of Heaven. Until then the false imagination can never be truly harnessed as it is simply too powerful and too quantified. Even in the beginning of the day of resurrection the evil influence will worsen in desperation until finally being overwhelmed. Things will get worse before they get better.

  Indeed, those nasty neurons will become increasingly crowded within the Earth’s magnetic circuitry thus causing a spike of restlessness within the human creature. On one hand we will be privy to the awakening, to epiphanies, dreams, insights, revelations, and to a very real transformation process; while on the other hand we will be subjected to overwhelming attacks of an evil presence. Have you not noticed how people are “snapping” these days with little or no prior warning?

  Because of the dark element’s greater volume, these attacks can literally overload one’s ability to function normally. The dark influence superimposes a horrible mental filter, even worse than normal, over our perceptions of reality. So if being human wasn’t delusory enough, we will often find ourselves crossing the threshold of insanity that can befall even the strongest hearts.

  We can see this worsening by observing crime rates and the general deterioration of social manners worldwide. Add to that family and cultural decay over the last 40 years and you begin to get the picture. While ultimately the point is not to fix your humanity, even a humble application of the ancient studies would avoid much violence and hardship while on this side of paradise. What you need to know is that it is possible to shed the dark energy entirely.

  Now, going forward I ask your pardon if the detailed mechanics are wanting in my descriptions. What I need you to understand, however, are the points and not the fine details. Plus, try to remember that I am simplifying this information for the greatest number of readers. It is not necessary to highlight every aspect of electricity, magnetism, polarity, charge, and ionic structure as they relate to this topic. What I will say is that each of those items as they function within the Earth’s magnetic field are all manipulated in various capacities by the satanic mental element that dwells therein.

  Proximity matters. It is a fact that magnetic anomalies occur more in some places than in others. When it does, not only can the excess magnetism affect your mind, but also, even the more, the spirit elements that piggyback therein. Thus, should you be located in one of these areas, it’s only natural to receive an overdose of those energies.

  Have you ever
been with a group of people and they all seemed to be in a weird funk? Well, they probably were and so were you as a result of magnetic movements and concentrations that begin deep within the Earth’s core. Obviously these occur by no fault of our own yet can impact us greatly nonetheless. It could have merely been the specific moment or perhaps your specific location in which it occurred.

  The cause of the exaggerated feelings are twofold, the least of which is the excess ions of magnetism itself. Add to that the spirit elements that are attached therein and things begin to worsen. Typically the dark element is in far greater quantum, yet the natural enmity between the two is now exasperated due to their concentrated volumes. Thus their battle becomes ours internally and this is the uncomfortable mind that people feel in those moments or locations.

  Either way, the symptoms are obvious and take us to extremes of the spirit pendulum. However, trust me when I say that you weren’t the only one thinking that things were feeling strange in those moments or in those locations. Likewise, at any given time there are literally tens of thousands of these anomalies happening all around your planet and in some places far more consistently than others.

  Magnetic-Anomalies: Invisible to the eye, the Earth’s magnetism is stronger in some places than in others. Here the spirit elements war, married to the ionic structure with the magnetism itself, and us, our minds, the battlefield in which these invisible forces fight. You can literally feel the intensity when atop these concentrations.

  The ancients of all tribes noticed these saturations as well and that the land literally emanates with various spirit personas. Some parcels of land seemed lighthearted and happy while others brought intellect or even idiocy. The magi knew full well the cause of these attributes, which were predictable and duly noted. If you pay attention, you can feel them too.


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