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The Book of Daniel and the Mystery of the Resurrection Machine

Page 36

by Holloway, Daniel;

  In the same way that a seedling bursts forth from the darkness of the ground, so too will your God self-image emerge, suddenly, in its own time. It too will shed the weight of the dark-element in this beginning of the Age of Aquarius, the age of resurrection. And though the dark-element desperately tries to stifle this frail and developing life, it simply cannot hold the power of God prisoner forever.

  However Satan also has the power of magnetic-manipulation. During the fall, which began over one million years ago, he literally uplifted Earth’s axis in an effort to misalign and close the portal. In so-doing this rocked Earth’s foundations with massive quakes, some of which lasted for decades. The magi backlogged this event within the scriptures:

  “They that see (Lucifer) will consider him, saying, is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms;” Isaiah 14:

  “Now shall the isles tremble in the day of thy fall;” Ezekiel 26:18

  This is a Grid System image but none the less describes earthquakes.

  The fall itself however, began at Lucifer’s point of decision in which the Covering Cherub considered itself a separate entity from the Source and, as a result, became the evil spirit of biblical lore. The book of Romans beautifully states what happened during the fall as well as the alteration of spirit into flesh:

  “Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God (this is the point of decision for Lucifer), neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations (altered creative capacity), and their foolish heart was darkened (negative ions and the resulting false imagination)…And changed the glory of God (Super-aurora and positively-charged Source) into the image of man, and birds, and beasts (constellations and figurines but also as physical-creatures of Earth).” Romans 1:21-23

  This is the essence of the fall.

  Next is confirmation from the Bible about what led to that horrible time of instability. You have to look beyond the code to see it, but we put it there so that one day, this day, you could understand what happened:

  “You were perfect (axial-spin) in your ways from the day (1000 year-long cycle in which the portal was closed/See 2nd Peter 3:8) that thou were created, till iniquity (wobble/lean) was found in you”

  “But you considered your own beauty (Super-Aurora), and played the harlot” (his mind strayed from being one with the Source)

  “Your heart was lifted up (axial-tilt) because of thy beauty (aurora), you have corrupted your wisdom (changed matrix) by reason of thy brightness” (he awoke in the earth and saw his beauty in the aurora) Ezekiel 16:15/28:13-15

  The Beast of the Book of Revelation


  “And I stood upon the sand of the sea (stars of the lower sea), and saw a beast rise up_out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.”

  “And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion and the dragon gave him his power and his seat and great authority.” Revelation 13:


  This is the illusion we wanted you to believe.


  This is real the beast of Revelation: Count, if you will, the unmistakable alignments that produce 10 horns, 10 crowns, and the 7 hubs or “heads” of Draco. These details are all contained within the red highlighted grid. More so, as each grid was placed it superimposed the constellations of Leo the lion, Ursa Major the bear, and the leopard known as lynx. Please note the expanded line-data on the left that forms the 10 crowns.

  We should again note that Greek and Hindu mythology also involved obvious creations of overlapping constellations and grids. In one story, the constellations of Draco, Leo and Capricorn were symbolized as “Chimera”; a strange lion-like beast with a lion’s head, a goat’s body, and a serpent’s tail:

  Chimera, Similar to the beast of Revelation 13, was the Greek creation that combined Leo, Capricorn and Draco. It is a fact that all of our priesthoods used similar grid-systems by which to attain their mythological-lore. Such imagery inspired fear within the child-like minds of the human cultures we controlled, thus helping us to obtain their obedience. At that time in history, there was zero reason to let them believe otherwise…

  The Great Harlot


  “…upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT… So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlot colored beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns… and the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet color, …and here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sits”

  Revelation 17:

  The Great Harlot: a female figurine superimposed over the image of the beast. Not only are her grids located over Babylon, but so true are her colors per the book of Revelation. Notice the location of the scarlet (red) color of the Wisdom Wheel over both the beast and the harlot. There was not enough space to include the “seven mountains,” but hopefully at this point your own imagination will see them within her seven grids.

  Let’s talk about the wrong colors of the aurora: The Great Harlot of Revelation 17 represents the strayed orbit of the moon in relation to the Earth’s tilt and wobble. In so doing her celestial persona is clothed with every wrong order of aurora colors: scarlet during the winter when it should in fact be blues and purples, and purples during the summer when it should be displaying reds. It’s fancy that the Wisdom Wheel not only spelled these verses but also labeled the right and wrong colors of the aurora in great detail.

  Ironically, the Vatican in Rome has long been equated as the seven mountains of this verse due to its location upon seven distinct hills. While I openly disapprove of the historic corruption within many religious institutions, I must confess that the Vatican has no connection to this verse. I do suspect, however, that they have in their possession some or many of our sacred maps—but wouldn’t dare disclose them. To do-so would be the same as confess that they knew they were using the scriptures for human control. Then again, they may claim that they were waiting for God to open the seals and felt “disinclined to release the information prematurely.” We will see what happens.

  Draco on Our Maps

  As you might imagine the scriptures also placed the celestial serpent within our hybrid map. By using this Grid-System overlay, we can now make sense of literally dozens of verses that before were beyond comprehension to anyone outside of the magistrates. As the images show, names such as Tyre/Sidon, Pharaoh, Nebuchadnezzar, Egypt, Babylon, The Wilderness, Jerusalem, etc., cease to be a historical person or location, but instead marking-points of the Earth’s tilt on our star-charts.

  Through this revelation you may grasp our science in greater depth as well as the code that hid it for thousands of years:


  “Tyre shall be a place for the spreading of nets in the midst of the sea.” Ezekiel 26:5


  “And I will make Jerusalem heaps and a den of dragons.” Jeremiah 9:11


  “Thus says the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against thee, Pharaoh king of Egypt, the great dragon that lies in the midst of his rivers” Ezekiel 29:3


  “Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon has devoured me, he has swallowed me up like a dragon,” Jeremiah 51:34

  “And Babylon shall become heaps, a dwelling place for dragons…,” Jeremiah 51:37


  “And I hated Esau, and laid his mountains and his heritage waste for the dragons of the wilderness.” Malachi 1:3

  See if you can find the images of the underlined words in each verse. This same line-data could form either “heaps,” “dens,” or “moun
tains” according to the Word of the Wisdom Wheel. These are the real enemies of biblical Israel—not people, but the wobble and tilt of Draco as portrayed on our maps.

  The Mark of the Beast and the Mark of Cain


  “And he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: Revelation 13:16, 17

  “And the Lord set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him.” Genesis 4:15

  Grid Tattoos: The mark of Cain and the mark of the beast were nothing more than the constellation lines of Draco as they impose upon the right hand and forehead of the figurines. Obviously any number of images can be formed from the grids, yet the verses dictate the specifics of each verse in detail. Our separation from the Source has likewise imprinted a false imagination upon our minds, symbolized by Draco’s alignments within the Grid System. Indeed, we think we are human, but we are not. Speak the Word; align the earth; open the Portal; let’s go home.



  “Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is 600, 60, 6” (as written in the original manuscripts) Revelation 13:18

  The real correlation between the lilies, King Solomon and the number of 666: Everything, but everything, in the ancient scriptures is based upon our images and their math.

  First, please note that we are discussing the number of a man, and that the men of the Bible were figurines of the Grid System. Enter synodic-cycles: a laborious subject of which I refuse to pursue in this writing. It is relevant, however, in the solution of 666. I will tell you this: It takes about 584 days to complete the formation of a day star/figurine as measured against the celestial equator. However, when measuring an evening star/figurine against the ecliptic, it takes a bit longer, about 600 days. Thus the number 600 represents the first part of the 666 solution.

  Next, 6 is the number of circles in our “Lilly” grid design. Likewise, the Bible makes this correlation between Solomon and the number 666:

  “Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: And yet I say unto you, that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these (actually he was, but it is a play on words)” Matthew 6:28

  “Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred, threescore (i.e. 60) and six (or, 666) talents of gold, (or, sunlight)” 1 Kings 10:14

  Last, 60 is the number of degrees that separate each of those circles within the Lilly grid-design. Thus when you multiply those 60° by 6 grids, it equals 360, which is the total number of degrees in a circle. So there you have the formative math or numbers of a man for a total of 600 days, 60° and 6 grids.

  But there is more to the 666 solution. As I’ve stated throughout this writing, Earth’s 24° tilt and wobble is the problem that prevents an open portal. Presently, Earth’s poles are now tilted by exactly 23.4° (almost 24°) as of the time of this writing. If you take the total of 90° from the pole to the equator and subtracts the problem of 23.4°, you end up with 66.6°, and since Draco represents that wobble and offset, you can begin to see the mathematical relevance. Simple.

  There is more fun yet however. The magi also developed and used a mathematical cube called a magic-box. With this seemingly insignificant item, we were able to attach numeric-values to each and every word that was spelled within the Wisdom Wheel. We called this process “counting,” as in “count it all Joy” (James 1:2), or “count it as righteousness,” or even “count the number of the beast” (Revelation 13:18). It was assumed that if you were a magi and understood the code, you would literally count and comprehend the mathematical-values instead of taking these verses figuratively or literally. Trust me; the numbers will tell a different story than the outer façade.

  A magic square on the Sagrada Família church in Barcelona. The magi regularly used magic cubes (go figure) and squares to assist in the production of the divine Word. Nothing we did was random or haphazard, but according to the math of the stars.

  Counting was especially easy in the Hebrew and Greek languages as they were specifically designed to that end. Likewise an obvious example of counting is found in Revelation 9 and 13, in which the name of the beast is given as both Abaddon and Apollyon, both of which our magic cubes valued at 600, 60, and 6

  “And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Revelation 13:17

  And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit (an image of the grids), whose name in the Hebrew is Abaddon, but in the Greek his name is Apollyon.” Revelation 9:11

  “Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast” Revelation 13:18

  And so now, finally, after almost 2,000 years, you too know the mystery and understanding of 666.

  The Chaining of the Dragon


  “I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand.” Revelation 20:1

  “And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years” Revelation 20:2

  The Chaining of the Dragon: The design of this ancient chain perfectly symbolizes the constellation dots and lines of Draco. The hand is that of the Jesus figurine. Remember, the dots are also the seven cities mentioned at the beginning of the book of Revelation. The Wisdom Wheel made these nifty correlations for us. Pure God-magic.

  There were three variations of Draco’s star-pattern used by our priesthoods around the world, yet the one displayed is identical to the version we used in Israel, only the brightest stars being chosen. Likewise notice the unmistakable likeness of an ancient chain and the constellations lines that they symbolize. As you can see, the hand of Jesus is pictorially “binding the dragon.”

  But what does the chaining of the dragon mean in real terms? It’s referring to something of infinite significance. It is a prophecy, the beginning of which is already being fulfilled. Slightly, oh so slightly, Earth’s tilt is lessening. The effects of the satanic mind, symbolized by Draco, is weakening. Metaphorically he is being chained. The process has begun; the angels in this age of resurrection are just beginning to stir within your minds, and this information is the trumpet that sounds their return.

  The proof? The scientific proof is found in that the earth’s tilt and wobble are in decline. Remember that the very reason I even have this knowledge, -the only reason I could have seen the little old man, is because something has changed. For over 2,500 years no one outside of the magi priesthood has had this knowledge, and I will tell you that the only reason I have it now is that the portal has once again blinked on. Indeed in the same way that it once failed, it is now trying to reignite.

  It is not on yet but flickering, just a tiny bit closer than before; just enough that something wonderful happened for you; that you would finally be given the whole truth; that the seals were finally loosed; and that the science of the magi should be known. What do you have to lose? What risk is there by reading the ancient scriptures, by projecting the Word into space? Take a chance, as unlikely as it may seem, that maybe, just maybe, the magi were right. Indeed, it is a magic spell more powerful than you can imagine. Let the unassuming become the unfathomable in your life.

  More important than the morning sunrise is the salvation of a soul from another world that most don’t even know exists. This priceless artifact must survive. It’s God’s will that it should. It is not a joke; it is not some mythological ruse but the most real thing you will ever be. Let’s get on with it.

  And like a thief in the night came a battle within that we didn’t suspect and in a way we would have never imagined.

  The battle of Armageddon, the war for your soul, is here. The struggle occurs not outside in some distant land but inside of your mind. The Word is o
ur ally in this war that heralds the return of the Great White Serpent, aka; the mind-wave of the Atomos—the Element of God.

  The Angelic-Evidence

  The Clues of Our Visitation

  Perhaps now is a good time to correlate other parts of the magi’s past and their relationship to your world today. Much of what I have to tell you is from memory while other facets of my knowledge are purely instinctive. Simply put, I know how the magi thought, and thus recognizing the significance of an ancient object is often intuitive. Other times however, I still see images from my past, having either been directly or indirectly involved.

  On that note: Similar to the sacred scriptures, the ancient pyramids were also resurrection machines. Some archaeologists have touched upon this, though they generally attribute their application to the king who was supposedly buried therein. Pyramids were in fact, our first, best-try as resurrection-mechanics. Indeed we made them by the thousands and in practically every corner of the world including Egypt, Central-America, South-America, China, Indonesia, India and the list goes on.

  And though pyramids get a thumbs-up for grandiose scale and architecture, they also are typically misunderstood by modern man. The range of misconceptions go from a superstitious novelty of the past all the way to the belief that they were built by ancient aliens. In a sense, the alien concept is correct, but rather than extraterrestrials, the magi were a remnant caste of interdimensional beings. But the real premise for the pyramids is of course the science of connecting the dimensions.


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